Entering EPAC first-year students enroll in UE 101: Major and Career Exploration course.
Taught by career consultants from the Career Design Center and EPAC advisors, the course is designed to assist students who are exploring majors acquire the necessary skills, information and resources to make informed and timely academic decisions. Through in-class activities, guest speakers and self-reflective assignments, students will learn about their various academic and career options.
Newly admitted transfer students and students who remain exploratory after their first semester can also enroll in CEP 202: Career Development. This 3-credit course focuses on career awareness, personal awareness and educational awareness as they relate to the world of work.
After successfully completing UE 101, students will:
"Had I not taken this course, I may not have...gotten an idea of what my next steps in college should be."
"We were given a multitude of resources to help us explore possible career and major interests."
"[UE 101 helps you] explore your interests and curiosities with an open mind."