
  • Bylaws of the Voting Faculty
    These Bylaws are to be read in such manner as to be consistent with applicable law, while at the same time giving the greatest possible weight to the faculty commitment to sharing with its colleagues in administrative office the burdens and benefits of cooperative management and development of this University.
  • Charter of the Faculty Senate
    The functions of the Charter of the Faculty Senate are to define the membership of the Senate, to describe its duties, responsibilities and powers, and to set up the framework of the organization.
  • Standing Orders of the Faculty Senate
    The function of the Standing Orders of the UB Faculty Senate is to provide rules relating to the procedures of the organization. These rules describe HOW the Senate should conduct its business.
  • Standing Orders of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
    To promote efficient administrative processes in the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FSEC) we have established a set of Standing Orders in accordance with Article VII, section 2C of the Faculty Senate Charter. These Standing Orders pertain only to the FSEC and not to any other committee of the Faculty Senate or to the Faculty Senate itself.
  • Faculty Staff Handbook
    Please note the Faculty Staff Handbook is not maintained by the Faculty Senate.
  • SUNY Board of Trustees
    The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the State University of New York. It consists of 18 members, 15 of whom are appointed by the Governor, by and with consent of the New York State Senate. In addition, the president of the Student Assembly serves as student trustee and the presidents of the University Faculty Senate and Faculty Council of Community Colleges serve as ex-officio trustees.
  • Freedom of Expression
    Title: Faculty Senate Resolution on Freedom of Expression Statement for the University at Buffalo, SUNY (Adapted from the University of Chicago Freedom of Expression Committee Report*)