Nominate a Student

President Satish Tripathi surprised student Samiha Islam (right) in her paint class at the CFA in April 2023. Samiha Islam won the Harry S. Truman Scholarship. Photographer: Douglas Levere.

President Satish Tripathi surprised student Samiha Islam (right) in her paint class at the CFA in April 2023. Samiha Islam won the Harry S. Truman Scholarship. Photographer: Douglas Levere

As a faculty member you are well positioned to identify some of our most outstanding ‎students here at UB. ‎Prestigious fellowships can be within reach of our best students with careful preparation and support. However, potential candidates must be identified as early as their freshman year.

The Office of Fellowships and Scholarships strives to identify undergraduate and graduate students ‎who demonstrate exceptional academic ability. We'd love the chance to educate them about scholarship and fellowship ‎opportunities and assist them in preparing competitive applications. Faculty are a key part of ‎this process. The familiarity you have with students who take your classes, work with you on ‎research projects or participate in organizations you advise, enable you to identify students ‎who show many of the qualities needed to receive these awards.

Once you nominate a student we will contact them about nationally and internationally competitive fellowships and scholarships.

Additionally the Office of Fellowships and Scholarships hosts the Spark Program, a series of workshops designed to give students the opportunity to assess their strengths, envision their future and create a plan to become competitive for these major fellowships and scholarships. Please encourage your freshmen and sophomore students to apply for the Spark Program.

Nomination Form