Ways to get involved

We spark innovation at the interface of disciplines through creative team science and partnerships with practitioners and policy makers. This approach allows us to expand the impacts of our existing partnerships and fosters new strategic relationships that address both hidden and apparent, both long-standing and emerging, global health challenges.

  • Join Our Listserv
    Sign up to receive information about global health events at UB as well as opportunities to engage in global health research and education with our partners in Buffalo and around the world.
  • Global Projects
    Each of our project teams—whether studying the effects of indoor air quality on neonatal health or developing solutions to country-wide drug stock outs—is comprised of researchers across disciplines working collaboratively with government officials, NGOs, and practitioners. What results is a comprehensive, solution-oriented process to improve equity in global health and well-being.
  • Research, Project, and Proposal Support
    Would support for your next engaged research project be helpful? If so, contact CGHE. Our faculty affiliates and staff are experienced in coordinating events; managing projects; crafting effective communication materials; and facilitating interdisciplinary, collaborative projects and research, as well as co-produced knowledge in engaged research projects.
  • Consortium of Universities for Global Health
    The University at Buffalo is a member of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health, a rapidly growing organization engaged with over 170 academic institutions around the world. Member benefits include access to online interest groups, discounted rates to conferences, participation in committees, access to the online job opportunities and funding board, and more.

Not sure how best you can be involved?