Politics of Education

Dr. Melinda Lemke’s research focuses on the politics of education and how educational organizations address equity. Examining the effects of power and neoliberal sociopolitical and normative culture on policy, programming, and pedagogy, Dr. Lemke’s interdisciplinary research has focused on human trafficking and immigration trauma, gender violence and prevention, refugee student trauma and resettlement, and practitioner self-care. 


Articles and Reflections

Recent Publications

  1. Murshid, N.S., M. Lemke, A. Hussain, and S. Siddiqui. "Combatting Gender-Based Violence: Perspectives from Social Work, Education, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Medical Anthropology." In Transforming Global Health: Interdisciplinary Challenges, Perspectives, and Strategies, edited by Korydon Smith and Pavani Ram. New York, NY: Springer, 2020.
  2. Lemke, M. Child and Youth (Dis)Placement: New (B)Orderings of Vulnerability, Rights, and Policy Response. Edited by M. Lemke and S.  Shubin, Children's Geographies2019.
  3. Lemke, M. "Educators as the “Frontline” of Human-Trafficking Prevention: An Analysis of State-Level Educational Policy." Leadership and Policy in Schools 18, no. 3 (2019): 284-304.
  4. Lemke, M. "The Politics of “Giving Student Victims a Voice”: A Feminist Analysis of State Trafficking Policy Implementation." American Journal of Sexuality Education 14, no. 1 (2019): 74-108.
  5. Lemke, M. "Trafficking and Immigration Policy: Intersections, Inconsistencies, and Implications for Public Education." Educational Policy 31, no. 6 (2017): 743-63.