Policies and Practices

The University at Buffalo strives to create an environment in which diverse opinions can be expressed and heard.  As a public university, it is a fundamental value of UB that all members of the campus community and their invited guests have a right to peacefully express their views and opinions, regardless of whether others may disagree with those expressions. This includes the right of protesters to oppose the views or opinions of others, but not in such a way as to limit or prevent the speaker's freedom of expression or interfere with university operations.

The First Amendment requires that the university remain viewpoint neutral even if the viewpoints of a speaker or content of speech run counter to UB’s values of diversity, inclusion and mutual respect.

As a State University of New York institution, UB must also allow individuals or groups, including those who are unaffiliated with the university, to demonstrate or protest in designated outdoor spaces on campus, so long as the demonstrations do not disrupt regular operations. The university requires all groups using campus space to abide by SUNY rules, university polices and state laws concerning the exhibition and management of public events.

UB recognizes the fundamental right to express differing viewpoints and respects the right to peacefully assemble and protest. The university is also committed to ensuring a safe, welcoming, orderly and inclusive environment for all students, faculty, staff and visitors.

Below are links to information about policies and practices related to free speech on UB campuses and University at Buffalo's commitment to safety.

* In the interim, these updated and clarified policies—while still in the 30-day comment period—will serve as time, place and manner guidance. The draft policies are subject to additional revisions that may be proposed at the conclusion of the comment and review period.