Academic Success Workshops

Students attending a workshop.

Learn more about UB ISS Academic Success Workshops designed to assist new incoming & continuing undergraduate international students with navigating the academic rigors of a US university. 

Prepare for Success at UB

New incoming and continuing undergraduate international students are strongly encouraged to attend the workshops listed below to learn about various academic success topics and meet other new incoming international students as well as UB Staff and Offices that can assist them with their academic success at UB and beyond! 

Spring 2024 Schedule

New Students Continuing Students

Cupcakes & Academic Integrity: Plagiarism & Citations

Paper with highlighted text related to integrity.

Join us for cupcakes and light refreshments as we cover the topic of academic integrity and how to avoid any pitfalls. In this workshop, the Center for Excellence in Writing (CEW) will give you the tools to avoid unintentional plagiarism with a special emphasis upon paraphrasing strategies. You will also learn how to establish a purpose for your voice in relation to your source materials.  

  • Wednesday, April 3
  • 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • 107 Capen Hall (North Campus)

Scones & Learning Styles

Icons of headphones, a computer screen, cell phone, pencil, and music player.
Thanks for Attending!

Have you ever wondered why you prefer to do your work while listening to music or why you are always tapping your pen/pencil?

Everyone has a learning style. As a student you should be become familiar with how you ‘prefer’ to learn and figure out how you can adjust that based on how your professor teaches. In this session you will learn about the different learning styles, you will learn your own personal style and we will discuss ways that you can utilize and pivot your style in order to gain better understanding in your classes.  

  • Wednesday, April 10
  • 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • 107 Capen Hall (North Campus)

Croissants & Critical Reading

Student reading a book.
Thanks for Attending!

What does it take to be a critical reader? Critical Reading is as much what you need to know as it is what and how you should read your texts. Knowing this will more effectively allow you to learn and apply what you are reading. In this session we will go over strategies that will help you become a more effective critical reader. We will examine types of readings, what is required as well as looking at a few methods that will aid in your success at university.

  • Tuesday, April 16
  • 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • 107 Capen Hall (North Campus)

Please direct any questions to the ISS Student Success Advisor, Olga Crombie, at