ISTL core faculty, Professors Jurriann De Jong and Nallan Suresh from the Department of Operations Management and Strategy in the School of Management have partnered with Kaleida Health on a supply chain project focused on materials management, strategic sourcing and value analysis.
Chunming Qiao received the 2015 Distinguished Technical Achievement Award from IEEE’s Communications Society Communications Switching and Routing Technical Committee.
Leaders in the emerging field of transportation informatics are gathering at UB for the first annual symposium aimed at addressing the role of big data in addressing critical transportation issues.
The event, entitled Big Data Analytics Transforming Transportation Operations, Management and Safety, is presented by UB's Transportation Informatics center and will be held August 13-14, 2015, in Buffalo.
A new shipping simulator will prioritize safety, which often takes a back seat to speed when transporting hazardous materials such as gasoline or medical waste from hospitals.