Field Sites

We are grateful for the community support that the Joining Forces–UB project has received. The following organizations serve or have served as field education sites for MSW students in our VMF Focus. Field opportunities provide students with unique learning experiences specific to working with veterans and/or military family members.  

  • VA-WNYHS: Provides advanced year social work placements for students. Students gain direct service experience in this fast-paced environment.
  • Veterans One-stop Center (VOC): Provides opportunities for social work students to participate in a variety of veteran-related services, from working directly with clients on benefits applications and case management, to grant writing and outreach.
  • Joining Forces-UB: Provides one macro placement opportunity for a foundation student who would  like experience working in a small organization dedicated to training, education and research that serves veterans and military families.
  • WNY Veterans Housing Coalition:  WNYVHC provides housing for homeless veterans and veterans with special needs. Generally a first year placement, WNYVHC provides students a broad look at social issues facing veterans.  

We are always looking to partner with agencies serving veterans.  If your agency is interested in collaborating, please contact us at

Any reference to branches of the United States armed forces—either in copy or through the use of still or motion visuals—does not constitute an endorsement of the university by the United States Department of Defense or any unit thereof.