MCEER/NCEER Publications

Since 1987, MCEER, formerly the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) and the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research ( NCEER), has produced over 600 publications that describe the latest research and developments on a wide variety of topics related to earthquake engineering and extreme events.

The Center's research aims to increase the disaster resilience of buildings, bridges and other key infrastructure. For over 30 years, MCEER investigators have been developing design procedures and seismic evaluation and rehabilitation strategies for facilities and systems that society expects to be operational following an earthquake or other disaster. These investigations primarily focus on electric power systems, bridges and highways, sustainable and resilient buildings, and innovative protective technologies.

MCEER publications include technical reports, workshop and conference proceedings, and special publications such as reconnaissance reports, monographs, guidelines and standards, white papers and research summaries. These publications are intended to be of interest to a wide range of readers, including academic researchers, consultants and practitioners in government and the private sector.

MCEER no longer prints copies of publications.

Information for Authors

Please follow the guidelines and use the template when preparing MCEER technical reports.

Publications Catalog

To find a specific report in the catalog, enter the last name of the author, or a few words from the title. A list matching the search criteria will appear. Enter the year in XXXX format to see a list of all reports published in that year. Some pre-defined collections are available from the "Filter Reports by Topic" list. All reports are available in PDF format and can be downloaded from the catalog at no charge.

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