BUFFALO, N.Y. – Two new studies at the University at Buffalo are recruiting families and individuals interested in losing weight or preventing diabetes.
UB’s New York State Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics will hold two events on Feb. 18 to showcase collaborative faculty and industry projects and to introduce UB’s new Department for Materials Design and Innovation.
The app, co-created by noted oral historian Michael Frisch, enables users to link photos and text with sound, such as voices, ambient noise and other audio elements.
BUFFALO, N.Y. – Frostbite so severe that it requires the removal of a limb or finger should be rare in an American city in the 21st century. But last year, Steve Gangloff and Chelsey Ciambella found out how common it is among some populations.
UB President Satish K. Tripathi and several members of the UB community today pledged to help build a culture of inclusiveness and equity in the City of Buffalo.
UB’s Educational Opportunity Center is again offering free tax preparation for individuals and families meeting economic and income guidelines, the latest installment of a quickly expanding program.