Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Can Cooling Affect Exercise for Those with MS?
    Aerobic exercise is thought to help persons with multiple sclerosis fight fatigue, the most common symptom of the disease. Yet as the body heats up during exercise, it compromises the ability of people with MS to exercise and they become fatigued sooner.
  • New Orleans -- What Urban Myths Say about U.S.
    It is now evident that the reports of child murder, rape, widespread looting, snipers and chaos resulting from the total breakdown of moral and legal order in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina were enormously exaggerated if true at all.
  • Study to Track Career Changes of New Nurses
    Carol S. Brewer, Ph.D., associate professor of nursing at the University at Buffalo and a specialist in nursing labor issues, has received $440,000 to study the reasons behind the critical shortage of nurses across the U.S through research funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
  • Men Who Smoke Heavily May Impair Sperm, Fertility
    Men who smoke cigarettes may experience a significant decline in their capacity to father a child, research by a reproductive medicine specialist from the University at Buffalo has shown.
  • UB, RPCI Win Cancer Nanotechnology Research Grants
    The expertise of faculty members at the University at Buffalo in the field of nanotechnology, where materials are the size of a billionth of a meter, has brought Buffalo distinct recognition by the National Cancer Institute.
  • Grant to Aid Rehabilitation Information Exchange
    CIRRIE, the Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange at the University at Buffalo, has received a $2.5 million, five-year competitive renewal grant from National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research.
  • On the Road 10 Years, Dental Van Helps 7,000 Children
    More than 20,000 treatment hours have been logged by 7,000 children in Chautauqua County who have received dental care that otherwise would not be available to them since the UB School of Dental Medicine's traveling dental van took to the Southern Tier's roads 10 years ago.
  • Pharmacy Students Heed Lessons from "The Apprentice"
    A University at Buffalo pharmacy professor is using the hit TV reality show "The Apprentice" -- and its famous "You're fired" endings -- to help his students become more likely to hear the words "You're hired" upon graduation.
  • Study Tests New Method to Instill Abstinence after Detox
    An addiction specialist at the University at Buffalo has received a $1.28 million grant from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to develop and test a new program designed to improve abstinence rates after alcohol detoxification.
  • Teen Labels Provide Insights into Drug, Alcohol Use
    The labels that teen-agers use to describe themselves and their peers provide an insight into their drug and alcohol use, according to a study at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions.