Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Reducing Women's HIV Risk Focus of Study
    Improving the understanding of women's alcohol use and risky sexual behavior and the impact of alcohol treatment on women's HIV risk behaviors are the goals of research to be conducted under a $2.4 million grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to a researcher at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions.
  • God, Cosmos, Katrina and Rita
    The desire to assign cosmic significance to the arrival of hurricanes Katrina and Rita is an example of humankind's ages-old need to find reason within chaos, according to University at Buffalo anthropologist Phillips Stevens Jr., Ph.D., a renowned expert on the origins, nature and meaning of cults, superstitions and cultural identities.
  • Rita Causing Flashbacks for Katrina Survivors
    Three short weeks after they fled New Orleans, many victims of Hurricane Katrina housed in shelters in Texas are having difficulties dealing emotionally with the disaster, particularly with another destructive hurricane headed toward the state where they took refuge, according to Nancy J. Smyth, Ph.D., associate professor and dean of social work at the University at Buffalo.
  • UB to Celebrate "Gender Matters/Gender Week"
    A keynote speech by Winona LaDuke, a former U.S. vice presidential candidate, will kick off the fourth-annual UB "Gender Matters/Gender Week," to be held Sept. 19-23 at the University at Buffalo.
  • Hearing Loss, Tinnitus Focus of 3-Day Symposium
    An international symposium focusing on major developments in research, treatment and prevention of acquired hearing loss and tinnitus co-hosted by the Center for Hearing and Deafness at the University at Buffalo and the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command will be held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, on Oct. 9-12.
  • Chemistry 101 Meets Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
    Along with laptops and cell phones, more than 4,000 University at Buffalo students this fall will be packing a piece of gear into their backpacks that may make them feel like they're on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"
  • Nursing Journal Editor to Present Bullough Lecture
    Diana J. Mason, editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Nursing, will deliver the Ninth Annual Bonnie Bullough Lecture at 4:30 p.m. Sept. 22 in the Center for Tomorrow on the University at Buffalo North (Amherst) Campus.
  • Innovative Dental/Social Work Program Wins Award
    An innovative program that provides social services along with dental care to older adults treated in the dental clinics of the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine has received the 2005 Geriatric Oral Health Care Award from the American Dental Association.
  • Microtubules May Be Linked to Mental Disorders
    Neuroscientists at the University at Buffalo have shown in two recently published papers that destabilization of structures called microtubules, intracellular highways that transport receptors to their working sites in the brain, likely underlie many mental disorders and could be promising targets for intervention.
  • Archives Mark Acquisition Of Eva Noles Collection
    The University at Buffalo Library Archives recently acquired the papers of Eva M. Noles, R.N., already a historic figure in 1939 when she became the first black nurse to be trained in Buffalo.