Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • UB Pharmacy Students Receive Awards
    Twenty-four graduates of the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences received awards during the school's recent commencement ceremony.
  • UB Medical School Graduates Receive Awards
    Forty-two graduates of the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences received awards at the school's recent commencement ceremony.
  • Nursing Students Honored at Commencement
    Eleven students in the University at Buffalo School of Nursing received awards at the school's recent commencement ceremony.
  • Students in School of Public Health and Health Professions Receive Awards
    Thirty-seven new graduates of the School of Public Health and Health Professions at the University at Buffalo were honored with scholarships and awards during the school's recent commencement ceremony.
  • Several Years of Small Classes During K-3 Smooth the Road to High School Graduation, UB Study Shows
    A study by education researchers at the University at Buffalo shows that students who spend several years in smaller-sized classes during the elementary grades -- especially those from lower-income families -- have a greater likelihood of graduating from high school.
  • Center of Excellence Making Progress Toward Improving Health Care, Spurring Economic Development
    The new building on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus is nearing completion. The scientific agenda has been solidified, corporate partners identified and a formal organizational and governance structure adopted. Barely four years after Gov. George Pataki announced an ambitious proposal to create jobs and jump-start the New York State economy through the creation of high-technology "centers of excellence," UB's New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences is well on its way toward fulfilling its dual mission of improving health care while facilitating economic development in Upstate New York.
  • Birth Weight and Breastfeeding in Infancy May Affect Premenopausal Breast Cancer Risk
    Premenopausal women who were heavier than average at birth or had not been breastfed as infants appear to be at increased risk for developing breast cancer, epidemiologists at the University at Buffalo's School of Public health and Health Professions have found.
  • 3 UB Faculty Members Recognized by SUNY Research Foundation
    Three University at Buffalo faculty members were among the 52 State University of New York faculty members recognized for their research and scholarship by the SUNY Research Foundation at a recent dinner in Albany.
  • Has Your Child Been Recommended to Repeat a Grade? The Earlier, the Better, UB Professor Says
    With the current school year drawing to a close, countless families soon will be confronted with what many of them will consider devastating news: Their child's teacher will recommend that he repeat the same grade next year. The best way to react, says a University at Buffalo expert on retention and transition for elementary school students, is for these parents to focus on helping their child understand the recommendation is for their good.
  • One-Stop Web Shopping for Graduation Gifts: Viking Boots to Boxers Printed with the Ebola Virus
    Savings bond? Fuhgeddaboutit! Anyone can give a graduate 50 bucks or a fleece blanky for the dorm room, but with a little help from the librarians at the University at Buffalo, you can give a teen-age boy a statue of the lovely "Francine, a study in languor," from the online shop, The Pillaged Village, or a chocolate diploma from Hershey's Web site.