Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • UB Pharmacy Interns 'Invaluable' at Community Health Center of Buffalo
    Just a mile from the University at Buffalo South (Main Street) Campus is one of three community health centers where students from the UB School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences are making a difference for Western New York residents.
  • 13 WNY Organizations Win "Worksite Wellness" Grants
    Thirteen companies and organizations located in Erie, Niagara and Chautauqua counties have been selected to receive grants to implement employee wellness programs through the UB School of Public Health and Health Professions' new $1 million Western New York Wellness Works initiative.
  • Medication Combined with Behavior Therapy Works Best for ADHD Children, Study Finds
    A new University at Buffalo study of treatments for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has found that combining behavior modification therapy with medication is the most effective way to improve the behavior of many ADHD children. When the two are combined, the study showed, the amount of medication required to achieve the same results as use of medication alone can be reduced by two-thirds.
  • Computer Test for Specific Maladaptive Traits Offers Hope for Clearer Diagnosis, Treatment of Personality Disorders
    A new version of a reliable and well-regarded dimensional test for personality disorders developed by a University at Buffalo researcher and clinician may lead to clearer diagnosis of personality disorders and point toward more precise and specific treatment plans for the more than 31 million Americans affected by them.
  • Breast-Cancer Risk Linked to Exposure to Traffic Emissions at Menarche, First Birth
    Exposure to carcinogens in traffic emissions at particular lifetime points may increase the risk of developing breast cancer in women who are lifetime nonsmokers, a study by epidemiologists and geographers at the University at Buffalo has found.
  • Propensity for Obesity, Diabetes May Occur In Utero
    The adage "You are what you eat" should be rephrased to include "and so are your children," based on metabolic research pioneered by researchers at the University at Buffalo.
  • Grant Addresses Minority-Dental-Faculty Shortage
    The School of Dental Medicine at the University at Buffalo is a member of a five-school, state-based consortium that has received a $250,000 grant to increase the number of unrepresented minorities on dental-school faculties.
  • Easing the Anxiety of Pregnancy After Miscarriage
    Pregnancy for most women means joyous anticipation of the birth of a baby, day-dreaming about the child, preparing the nursery, accepting congratulations from friends. For some pregnant women, however, feeling joy is a psychological luxury they can't afford. These are women who after one, sometimes many, miscarriages, stillbirths or newborn deaths, are pregnant again. UB's Denise Cote-Arsenault is one of the few researchers to study the field. of pregnancy after perinatal loss.
  • To Boost Efficiency, Hospitals Borrow Principles from Factory Floor
    Many health-care industry bottlenecks can be eliminated, resulting in major improvements in efficiency, cost savings and patient care when hospitals borrow principles from production lines on the factory floor, according to researchers in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University at Buffalo.
  • Alumnus' Daughter Leaves $484,020 for Medical Student Scholarships
    A bequest of $484,020 from the late Gretchen Joyner, daughter of the late Arthur Goetzman, M.D. '27, will be used to fund scholarships for students in the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in memory of her father.