Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Preventionfocus to Honor UB's Suzanne Tomkins for Work in Domestic Violence Prevention
    Suzanne E. Tomkins, clinical associate professor in the University at Buffalo Law School, will be recognized for her tireless work in the area of domestic violence at a dinner to be held Preventionfocus at 6 p.m. June 19 in Salvatore's Italian Gardens, 6461 Transit Rd., Depew.
  • UB School of Nursing Honors Graduates at Commencement
    Eleven students in the University at Buffalo School of Nursing received awards at the school's recent commencement ceremony.
  • UB Study Shows How and When You Drink, Not Only How Much, Is Important to Liver Health, Especially in Women
    In the first study of drinking patterns and their relationship to potential liver damage, University at Buffalo epidemiologists have found that how and when drinkers consume alcohol may be as important to a healthy liver as the amount consumed.
  • UB's Jacobson Named Director of the Year by National Campus Child Care Coalition
    Tamar Jacobson, Ph.D., of North Buffalo, director of the University at Buffalo Child Care Center Inc., which operates child-care centers on the UB North and South campuses, was selected "director of the year" by the National Coalition for Campus Children's Centers (NCCCC) at the group's annual meeting this spring in Washington, D.C.
  • UB Pharmacy Graduates Recognized at Commencement
    Eighteen graduates of the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences received 34 awards during the school's recent commencement ceremony.
  • 'Stealth' Particle Containing Factor VIII Could Prevent or Render Benign Inhibitor Antibodies in Hemophiliacs
    A tiny lipid particle developed by pharmaceutical scientists at the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences has the potential to improve significantly the lives of hemophiliacs who have developed a dangerous immune response to the frequent injections of factor VIII, the clotting factor that keeps them alive.
  • Prasad Receives Excellence Award from SUNY; 14 Other UB Faculty Members Recognized for Research Efforts
    Paras Prasad, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemistry in the University at Buffalo's College of Arts and Sciences, has been honored by the State University of New York for his "singular contribution to scholarship and the reputation of the university." He was one of 14 UB faculty members honored for their research.
  • Researchers Get $1.6 Million NIH Grant to Help End Medication Errors Caused by Similar-Sounding Drug Names
    A psychology professor at the University at Buffalo is conducting a new study that will look at auditory perception of drug names and develop a software program that will address the problem of confusing prescription nomenclature, labeling, packaging and handwriting, a problem that the National Institute of Medicine estimates results in more than 7,000 fatalities a year.
  • Student-Designed Chairs 'Celebrate the Human Body'
    The chair. Many view this humble device simply as a means -- sometimes comfortable, sometimes not -- to "take a load off." But for architecture students who completed the seating design assignment in Abir Mullick's "Senior Studio" this spring in the School of Architecture and Planning at the University at Buffalo, the chair became something more.
  • Estrogen Plus Progestin Doubles Dementia Risk in Women 65 and Over, WHIMS Study Shows
    A national study involving 151 women from Western New York, conducted to assess the effect of hormone therapy on dementia and mild cognitive impairment, has shown that women 65 and over who take combined estrogen and progestin may double their risk of developing dementia.