Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • Diabetes-Brittle Bones Link Underscores Need for Earlier Education About Osteoporosis
    The importance of educating women who have type 1 diabetes about osteoporosis at a much earlier age is underscored by preliminary data from research at the University at Buffalo showing that diabetes and brittle bones may go hand in hand.
  • Nation's First Degree with Focus in Pharmacometrics, One of Drug Industry's Highest-Paying Fields, Offered at UB
    The nation's first master's degree program in pharmaceutics with a focus in pharmacometrics, a new field that fuses pharmacologic studies with computational and statistical methods of data analysis, has been developed at the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • A Breach of Trust: Enron Case Will Cause Some Americans to Question How Much They Trust Their Employers
    In the wake of the Enron debacle, many Americans will begin to question how much they trust their employers, says a University at Buffalo School of Management professor who researches the development and consequences of trust in the workplace.
  • UB Researchers to Study Exercise as Treatment for Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
    University at Buffalo researchers will test the somewhat counterintuitive concept that exercise can lessen tiredness in persons with multiple sclerosis, a group especially susceptible to fatigue.
  • Trauma Memories Increase Drug Abusers' Craving
    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) increases craving in drug abusers diagnosed with both conditions, confirming the need to treat the conditions simultaneously, the first laboratory study of the two disorders has shown.
  • UB Receives $1 Million from NSF to Fund System to Store Huge Amounts of Computer Data
    A $1 million National Science Foundation infrastructure award to store, manage and analyze complex scientific data is boosting pioneering research at the University at Buffalo in bioinformatics, geographic information science and other important research areas.
  • UB MBA Graduates Play Important Role in Strategic Growth of Perry's Ice Cream
    Business isn't always smooth in the ice cream industry. Over the past 20 years, nearly 1,200 companies have closed their doors, leaving just over 400 firms to compete for space in America's freezer. To survive and grow in this competitive market, Perry's Ice Cream Co. of Akron, N.Y., boasts an evolving selection of nearly 100 different flavors -- and a management roster of eight MBAs from the University at Buffalo School of Management.
  • UB Dental Researchers Collaborate on $5 Million Study to Redefine Temporomandibular Disorder
    The University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine is collaborating with two other major universities on a joint $5 million project to establish valid and reliable TMD criteria clinicians can use in their practices to diagnose and treat these disorders.
  • UB's 400 Dental Students Are Community Ambassadors Promoting Oral Health, Raising Community's 'Dental IQ'
    Students in the University at Buffalo's School of Dental Medicine are educating the community, from special-needs children to underserved urban and rural schoolchildren to senior citizens, about the importance of maintaining good oral health through a slate of year-round, public-service programs, at least one of which is unique in the U.S.
  • Nursing School Addresses "White European" Nursing Culture
    Look around any hospital, clinic or doctor's office and most of the nurses you see will not be people of color. This situation does not bode well for the future of nursing or for health care, as the general population becomes more diverse and the need for multicultural understanding more crucial. Providing that understanding is the goal of a new curriculum in the master's-degree program for family nurse practitioners in the University at Buffalo.