Health and Medicine

News about UB’s health sciences programs and related community outreach. (see all topics)

  • UB Study to Examine Buffalo Teens' Attitudes Toward Reproductive Health Care
    Researchers from the School of Social Work at the University at Buffalo are conducting a study to learn what is preventing teen-age girls in Buffalo -- which has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in New York State and one of the highest in the nation -- from taking advantage of area reproductive health services.
  • Study Finds Strong Association Between Problem Drinking and Gambling, with Risk Increasing 23-Fold
    Problem drinkers are 23 times more likely to have a gambling problem than individuals who do not have an alcohol problem, according to a study conducted at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions.
  • Competency-Building Course Based in Spy-Training Programs Focuses on Skills Recruiters Desire in MBA Graduates
    Rooted in a Cold War spy-training program, an innovative course at the University at Buffalo School of Management is helping MBA students develop intangible skills that are the difference between being a good executive or a great executive.
  • Pataki Announces State, Private Commitments of More than $200 Million for Bioinformatics Center
    With the announcement Thursday by Gov. George E. Pataki of $50 million in state funding and more than $150 million in private-sector funding, the Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics -- a collaborative effort involving New York State, industry partners and academic institutions -- has taken a major step toward becoming a reality.
  • Book Focuses on Easing the Transition to Day Care
    Robert R. Orrange gives career advice for a living. But the associate director of the Office of Career Planning and Placement at the University at Buffalo received a little career advice of his own when an undergraduate art student who stopped in for a chat about her aspirations got him thinking about one of his own -- writing a children's book. And so the seed was planted more than a year ago for Orrange's first -- and recently published -- book, "The Daisy Bug Daycare."
  • $700,000 HUD-Funded Initiative Takes Aim at One of Buffalo's Most Distressed Neighborhoods
    One of Buffalo's most distressed and physically degraded inner city neighborhoods is the target of a new "healthy homes" demonstration project to be administered and operated by the University at Buffalo.
  • NSF Funds UB to be Nation's First Cross-Disciplinary Training Ground for Biophotonics Scientists
    The National Science Foundation has awarded $2.7 million to the University at Buffalo to establish the nation's first comprehensive, multidisciplinary training program for biophotonics scientists. The result will be a new breed of 21st-century scientist, one who is well-versed in and able to conduct research in biological, photonic and electronic systems.
  • Plant-Based Fats Slow Prostate Cancer Growth in Mice
    Fats derived from plants appear to inhibit the growth and migration of one type of prostate cancer cell and to slow the growth of prostate tumors in laboratory mice, nutrition researchers at the University at Buffalo have found.
  • UB Nursing Researcher Studies Why Few People Take Charge of Their End-of-Life Medical Decisions
    Why are so many people willing to relegate important medical decisions to strangers? That is the question a University at Buffalo nurse-anthropologist is attempting to answer in a study on medical advance directives funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research.
  • A Sign of the Times -- Reference Assistance Now Provided Online by "Instant Librarians"
    University at Buffalo librarians are offering real-time, online reference assistance to students, some as far away as China, using AOL Instant Messenger software (AIM) in the popular chat room format.