We invite your company to consider becoming a sponsor of the PSS.
The UB Professional Staff Senate (PSS) exists to support and represent all of the University at Buffalo’s professional staff. It works to define shared values, celebrate diversity, contribute to a sustainable environment, and to promote wellness and balanced work/life.
We invite your company to consider becoming a sponsor of the PSS. As a sponsor, you'll gain access and exposure to over 3,000 nonacademic professional UB staff members, throughout the academic year. This includes branding recognition at over 15 PSS events.
PSS Conference
Annual event
1,000+ attendees
Annual event
1,000+ attendees
Annual event
50+ attendees
Annual event
300+ participants
New Employee Welcome Breakfast
Annual event
55+ attendees
Click on the sponsors' logos to learn more and see member offers.
For detailed information on sponsorship opportunities please contact Nick Lane or use the form linked below.
Jason Diffenderfer
Senior Associate Vice President for Advancement and Campaign Co-Director
Division of University Advancement
Phone: (716) 645-2925
Email: jdiff@