Academic Advisement Report (AAR)

Students can use HUB Student Center to view their Academic Advisement Report.

1. Select the “Academic Progress” tile.

2. Select the “Academic Advising Report (AAR)” from the navigation pane.

Use the icons to help identify if a class is Taken, In Progress or Planned.

Requirements that have been fulfilled display as collapsed.

Expand them to view more details by clicking on the requirement line.

Requirements that are not satisfied remain expanded.

Collapse these items by clicking on the requirement line.

The PDF version of the report lists the student’s entire course history, including courses that do not satisfy a requirement.

Need Help?

1Capen (North Campus), Buffalo, NY 14260-1631; 1Diefendorf (South Campus)

Phone: 716-645-5698; Fax: 716-645-7762
