Senior Research Scientist: Joshua Wallace

Joshua Wallace.

Dr. Joshua Wallace’s interests center on the environmental fate, transport, and impact of chemicals in ecosystem function. He is also interested in questions related to environmental justice and equity in urban and agricultural communities.

Dr. Wallace can assist RENEW Core Faculty and RENEW Affiliated Faculty with experimental design, collection and analysis of environmental samples, quality control and assurance programs, analytical method development and validation, chemometric analysis, project management, citizen science engagement, and regulatory assessments.

He has substantial experience using state-of-the-art analytical techniques for gas, liquid, and solid phase samples and a diverse set of environmentally relevant chemicals.  Techniques include gas and liquid chromatographic techniques with traditional and mass-selective detectors, inductively coupled plasma analyses, laser ablation, and a variety of sample cleanup and preparation methods.  Dr. Wallace is also skilled in surface analysis by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (“ToF-SIMS”), Ultraviolet and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (“UPS” and “XPS”), Auger Emission Spectroscopy (“AES”), Raman and infrared spectroscopies, and atomic force microscopy. As a former dairy farmer, Dr. Wallace also possesses extensive knowledge of agricultural systems and operations, particularly related to waste management, animal husbandry, and agricultural production.

Prior to UB, Dr. Wallace worked as a Project Manager for a U.S. Department of Justice Environmental Study, and as an environmental litigator at a leading New York State law firm. Dr. Wallace earned undergraduate degrees in Chemistry and Political Science from Houghton College (2011), and from the University at Buffalo, a Ph.D. in Chemistry (2016) and a J.D. with a concentration in Intellectual Property and Privacy Law (2019).