Thank you to all who submitted nominations highlighting the outstanding work of students, faculty and staff for this year's SLICE awards. The nominations were thoughtful, inspiring and spanned many departments and offices across campuses, further demonstrating the breadth and depth of work by many to integrate sustainability into our daily work and long-term thinking.
Please join us in honoring the 2017 SLICE award winners. (Sustainability Leadership, Innovation and Collaborative Engagement) Awards.
- Faculty Award for Sustainability in Higher Education--Sandy Geffner, adjunct professor environmental studies. Over the course of Sandy’s career at UB he has worked to create thousands of sustainability-focused students. Every student who has had the privilege of being in his classes is captivated by the connection he makes with nature and the systems thinking approach which dominates his outlook. Sandy’s has a unique ability to reveal ecology and nature’s interconnectedness to anyone willing to slow down and listen.
- Staff Award for Sustainable Operations Initiative--Ed Brodka, career counselor, career services. Ed’s commitment to continuously advocate for sustainable solutions has served as an inspiration to his colleagues and the students he interacts with daily. In his role as a career counselor, Ed has become the campus expert for green jobs. As a result of his work, countless students have discovered opportunities to work in the sustainability field furthering the ripple of Ed’s passion for sustainability.
- Student Leadership Award for Sustainable Action--Brian Stuhlmiller, an undergraduate majoring in environmental studies. As director of SA’s Environmental Affairs and leader of UB’s Students for Sustainability Council, Brian has served as an outstanding role model training the next generation of sustainability leaders on campus. Brian also helped to launch UBReUSE, an expansive move-out collection program, which attempts to divert as much usable material as possible from landfills.
- Sustainability Excellence by a Department or Cross-Functional Team--Sustainable Living Committee of the Professional Staff Senate. The PSS’s Sustainable Living Committee has played a critical role to mainstream sustainability into the fabric of university life and helped to create a culture of sustainability for UB professionals at home, work and play. Their annual Sustainable Living Fair has evolved to become one of the most popular public events promoting sustainable thinking on campus. The committee now hosts community bicycle rides, electronic recycling events, clothing drives, and has turned their attention to improve long-standing issues with our campus landscape. The collaborative approach of the committee ensures the scope of work is constantly evolving.
About the UB SLICE awards
Exemplary efforts by University Community members express UB’s continuing efforts to become a sustainable institution. The University at Buffalo wishes to recognize outstanding individuals and departments who exhibit a sincere commitment to transforming our campuses into a holistically sustainable community through the kinds of leadership, innovation, and collaboration that demonstrates environmental stewardship, enhances social progress, or promotes responsible economic systems and growth.
Each nomination was evaluated based on how well the nominee’s actions reflect these sustainability criteria:
- Going above and beyond routine or assigned responsibilities
- Innovation
- Overall impact
- Ability to serve as a catalyst or model
- Engages multiple campus stakeholders (students, faculty, staff, community, etc)
- Incorporates multiple aspects of sustainability
Nominees must be faculty or staff members, students, or a department or cross functional team at the University at Buffalo. Candidates can be nominated for different categories, either as individuals, departments or partnerships. The categories are:
- Award for Sustainability Excellence by a Department or Cross Functional Team
- Student Leadership Award for Sustainable Action
- Staff Award for Sustainable Operations Initiative
- Faculty Award for Sustainability in Higher Education
The awards program is selective. Not every nomination is selected for an award. The number of awards in each category is not restricted nor is each award category filled each year.