SLICE Awards

2025 SLICE.

Nominate Sustainability Leaders for the 2025 SLICE Awards!

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Exemplary efforts by University Community members express UB’s continuing efforts to become a sustainable institution. The University at Buffalo wishes to recognize outstanding individuals and departments who exhibit a sincere commitment to transforming our campuses into a holistically sustainable community through the kinds of leadership, innovation, and collaboration that demonstrates environmental stewardship, enhances social progress, or promotes responsible economic systems and growth.

Award recipients will be recognized in an awards ceremony that will take place in conjunction with Sustainability Month in April.

This event is sponsored by the Vice President for Finance and Administration and UB Sustainability.


Nominations for SLICE awards are accepted on a rolling basis from May throughtout the month of March.  Nominations are awarded annually in late April. The deadline to submit nominations for 2025 consideration is March 31, 2025. Nominees must be faculty or staff members, students, alumni, or a department or cross functional team at the University at Buffalo.


The awards program is selective. Not every nomination is selected for an award. The number of awards in each category is not restricted nor is each award category filled each year. 

Each nomination will be evaluated based on how well the nominee’s actions reflect these sustainability criteria:

  • Going above and beyond routine or assigned responsibilities
  • Innovation
  • Overall impact
  • Ability to serve as a catalyst or model
  • Engages multiple campus stakeholders (students, faculty, staff, community, etc)
  • Incorporates multiple aspects of sustainability


Nominees must be faculty or staff members, students, alumni, or a department or cross functional team at the University at Buffalo. Candidates can be nominated for different categories, either as individuals, departments or partnerships. The categories are:

  • Student Sustainability Leadership, Innovation and Collaborative Engagement Award
  • Staff Sustainability Leadership, Innovation and Collaborative Engagement Award
  • Faculty Sustainability Leadership, Innovation and Collaborative Engagement Award
  • Alumni Sustainability Leadership, Innovation and Collaborative Engagement Award
  • Team Sustainability Leadership, Innovation and Collaborative Engagement Award
  • The SLICE Climate Justice Award

See Past SLICE Winners