Many still wonder about blockchain technology and how it might be most effectively used. Others are exploring the possibilities. The Blockchain ThinkLab highlights projects and use-case scenarios.
UB Blockchain ThinkLab collaborated with the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus to host the inaugural Blockchain Buildathon. (April 13-15) at Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in downtown Buffalo.
Blockchain Buildathon sponsors offered use-case scenarios, challenging the student teams to come up with innovative solutions. They used the following rubric in evaluating the final products.
Blockchain is here to stay. Bitcoin is an excellent example of what has been running autonomously and supported by a developer community. Blockchain, such as Ethereum discussed in this book, has added execution logic to make it viable for solving business problems. Blockchain is not without its share of challenges, as it is evolving and growing its ecosystem.This book covered quite a range of decentralized applications and supporting concepts.