We encourage daily communications between parents and teachers. We believe that a parent is the child’s first teacher and we want to be partners together so we can help each child get off to a great start in life. Please make every effort to stay informed.
In the event of an emergency, unscheduled closing or early dismissal, parents will also receive an announcement through the following channels:
UBCCC uses the center parent listserv to send information and updates to parents. All parents are added to the listserv upon enrollment at the center.
If you would like to be added or update your contact information for the UBCCC listserv, please contact the Administrative Assistant at your center.
If UBCCC needs to close during the day, the teachers and office personnel will call families and ask them to pick up their child as soon as possible.
If it is necessary to evacuate the buildings, there are safe places on campus that are ready to accept the teachers and children in the case we cannot return to the center.
At South Campus, the evacuation site is Kimball Tower. At North Campus, the evacuation site is South Lake Village Community Room. If you are contacted to pick up your child, and we have evacuated the building, you will be given further instructions at that time.
When conditions become so severe that the university cannot operate effectively, a decision may be made to change scheduled operations, resulting in class cancellations, early departure for nonessential employees or, in rare cases, a closing. Timely and accurate announcements regarding changes in UB’s scheduled operations will be made via UB’s emergency communication channels.
If UB is closed, UBCCC will be closed as well. However, UBCCC can make the decision to close on its own without having the University close.
Quick communication and accurate information are essential in an emergency.
Members of the UB community can expect to receive quick and accurate information during an urgent situation, including changes in essential services, whether it's an incident on campus, or severe weather that affects university operations.
Why sign up for UB Alert?
I am a UBCCC parent with no UB affiliation. How can I receive UB Alert?
Get immediate notice of all campus emergencies or cancellations
If you are a UBCCC parent and do not have a @buffalo.edu email, please contact your center director so that they can assist in including you and/or your spouse for the UB Alert Emergency Notification System to receive email and/or SMS texts.