Over the top!
It's another successful year for SEFA, thanks to UB's Partners in Caring. Barry Eckert, chair of the SEFA campaign and dean of the School of Health Related Professions, paints the final percentage point on the campaign thermometer on Rensch Road. (See related story)
Internet 2: 'strategic investment' for UB; Network being developed by consortium of 112 universities to support research
UB has joined Internet 2-the "next generation" of the Internet-and expects to receive a maximum of $350,000 from the National Science Foundation to hook into the VBNs, a network connecting all the supercomputing sites in the country that has been called the "glue" that ties Internet 2 together.
Faculty Senate, PSS to address training issue
The Faculty Senate and the Professional Staff Senate have joined forces to address the issue of training of supervisors, a recurring concern for professional staff members.
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The Reporter is a campus community newspaper published by the Division of University Services, State University of New York at Buffalo. Editorial
offices are located at UB News Services, 136 Crofts Hall, Amherst, NY,
14260, 716-645-2626.
The Reporter publishes in print and online every Thursday during the academic year.
Director of News Services: Arthur Page
Associate Director of News Services: Sue Wuetcher
Editor: Christine Vidal
Associate Editor: Joan Danzig
Art Director: Becky Farnham
News Services Editors: Lois Baker, Patricia Donovan, Ellen Goldbaum, Mary Beth Spina
Online Publisher: Benjamin Edelman