VOLUME 32, NUMBER 16 THURSDAY, January 18, 2001
ReporterThe Mail

Winters bring unique challenges for parking

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To the University Community:

Winters in Western New York bring some unique challenges for winter parking at UB. I am providing the following information and asking that all members of the university community be cognizant of winter overnight-parking restrictions.

Here are some tips that may assist you. Please share this information widely with students, faculty and staff.

- Provide yourself enough time for an early arrival on campus to allow for road conditions and finding a parking space in the lots.

- When parking your vehicle, be aware of the vehicles that already are parked there. Do not create a third row.

- When Public Safety receives complaints of vehicles being blocked due to triple parking, a parking summons will be issued and a "mini-tow" will be initiated to move the offending vehicle and allow the trapped vehicle to get out. The vehicle that is towed will be put back into the spaces.

- Plowing of lots is an important aspect of parking. Lots are plowed when there is 2 inches or more of snow. All overnight-parking areas have been designated to assist plowing. Please use these spaces appropriately.

- When you are the first person in a lot, please park allowing a double travel lane from your vehicle. This will aid in plowing during the day, plus allow for emergency-vehicle access when needed.

- Most people park in almost the same space on a daily basis. Pick a familiar landmark, i.e., signs, lot entrance, tree, etc., to gauge where you parked so you can approximate the distance to park when lots are snow covered.

Report problems to the Parking Department at 645-3943. For snow removal, call Customer Service at 71 from any campus phone.

John M. Grela, Director
Department of Public Safety

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