VOLUME 32, NUMBER 20 THURSDAY, February 15, 2001

Photo: Stephanie Hamberger
Spin to Health

Sheryl Marable (background), a staff member at the Educational Opportunity Program, takes instruction from Chris Hoppe-Spink (foreground) during a spinning class held Friday as part of Wellness Awareness Day.

Structural biology department created
Long-term collaboration by UB, Hauptman-Woodward to establish critical unit

The university and the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute Inc. (HWI) have agreed to establish a UB Department of Structural Biology at HWI, initiating a 10-year collaboration that positions Buffalo to play a lead role in this critical field.

UB Day brings technology to Albany
UB's technological innovation took center stage in the state capital last week as administrators, alumni, faculty, students and staff�as well as members of local government and industry�converged for a collective and informative "assault" on Albany.


· Noon Tune

Top Stories...

· EngiNet program increases enrollment: Marketing effort pays off as more engineers look to UB to pursue master's degree
· King lauds Business Alliance: Chancellor says UB has head start on linking to industry
· Stroke risk increased for snorers
· Graduates bringing recognition to lab: Achievements of Computational Fluid Dynamics students puts UB, lab on the map
· Stinger named interim dean: Historian, senior associate CAS dean to replace Grant
· Age of execs affects bottom line
· "Cybergrrl" to kick off lecture series: Activist Aliza Sherman to discuss gender gap in technology professions
· Technology for teachers: Grant to be used to integrate technology into teacher education

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The Reporter is a campus community newspaper published by the Division of University Services, State University of New York at Buffalo. Editorial offices are located at UB News Services, 336 Crofts Hall, Amherst, NY, 14260, 716-645-2626.

The Reporter publishes in print and online every Thursday during the academic year.

Associate Vice President for University Services: Carole Smith Petro
Director of News Services: Arthur Page
Director of Periodicals and Editor: Sue Wuetcher
Assistant Editor: Jennifer Lewandowski
Art Director: Rebecca Farnham
Design Assistant: Kristen Kowalski
Contributing Editors: Lois Baker, Patricia Donovan, Ellen Goldbaum, Mary Beth Spina, S.A. Unger, Christine Vidal, Ann Whitcher
Online Publisher: Liz Holland