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No Reporter next week The Reporter will not be published next week, Sept. 27, due to Yom Kippur. Regular weekly publication will resume Oct. 4. SEFA kickoff is today "SEFA 2001: Recipe for Success," the annual kickoff of UB's State Employees Federated Appeal (SEFA) campaign, will be held from noon to 1 p.m. today in the Center for the Arts Atrium. The event, which is targeted to SEFA liaisons from the individual units, will feature an innovative program to help the campus community learn about the programs and agencies supported by SEFA contributions. Those attending can enjoy lunch at various "grazing stations," as well as special prize giveaways. Campaign liaison materials will be distributed. The event is being hosted by Mary Gresham, vice president for public service and urban affairs, dean of the Graduate School of Education, and 2001 SEFA chair.
Zodiaque to present fall dance concert The Department of Theatre and Dance will present the fall dance concert of the Zodiaque Dance Company, titled "Wine, Women and Dance," Oct. 11-14 and 18-21 in the Drama Theatre in the Center for the Arts, North Campus. Performances will begin at 8 p.m. weekdays and Saturdays, and at 2 p.m. on Sundays. In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Pan-American Exposition and the Women's Pavilion Pan Am 2001, the production will commemorate seven Western New York women who have made a significant impact on dance as an art form, thereby enriching our Western New York cultural heritage, enhancing lives and paving the way for future dance generations. The honorees include Jean Taylor Beard, Yvonne James Brown, Ginger Burke, Beverly Fletcher, Elaine Gardner, Lynne Kurdziel-Formato and Linda Swiniuch, founder of the Zodiaque Dance Company. All honorees will be given a special award from UB on Oct. 13. The award will be given posthumously to honoree Ginger Burke. Zodiaque Dance Company, comprised of students in the Department of Theatre and Dance, is directed by Tom Ralabate. Tickets for the Zodiaque Dance Company are $12 for the general public and $5 for seniors and students. Tickets are available in the CFA box office from noon to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and at all Ticketmaster locations. Falletta to perform JoAnn Falletta, music director of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, will perform on the guitar during an appearance Oct. 4 at WBFO 88.7 FM, UB's National Public Radio affiliate. "An Evening of Music and Conversation with JoAnn Falletta" will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Allen Hall Theatre on the South Campus. Falletta will perform Beethoven's Serenade, Op. 8 and a Trio by Joseph Kreutzer. WBFO members can reserve a seat by calling the station at 829-6000, ext. 532, before Monday. The event, which is free, will open to the public on Monday. CFA to present ballet "Faerie Queen" The Center for the Arts will present the Ballet British Columbia's production of "The Faerie Queen" at 8 p.m. Oct. 12 in the Mainstage in the Center for the Arts, North Campus. The production will be the second performance in the 2001-02 KeyBank Dance Series. Since its inception in January 1986, Ballet British Columbia quickly has risen to become an internationally respected dance company. Bold, innovative and sophisticated, it has developed a signature style that separates it from its contemporaries. "The Faerie Queen"—a full-length story ballet by Ballet British Columbia's artistic director, John Alleyne—is based on Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The score features excerpts from the Purcell opera, augmented by original composition. "The whole notion of this ballet is based on magic," Alleyne says. "'The Faerie Queen' tells a great story that takes place in a forest, where all kinds of unexpected and otherworldly things can happen. This has given me the stylistic freedom to go beyond the restrictions of classical dance and take a much broader approach," he says. Tickets for "The Faerie Queen" are $20, $16 and $12 for the general public, and $10 for UB students. Discount coupons are available at all area KeyBank locations. Tickets are available in the CFA box office from noon to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and at all Ticketmaster locations. Clarksons endow second lecturer Thanks to a $40,000 gift from Buffalo civic leader William M.E. Clarkson and his wife, Elizabeth (Nan) Clarkson, the School of Architecture and Planning is expanding its Clarkson Visiting Chair program from one to two annual honorees. The Clarksons, who endowed the first Clarkson Visiting Chair in 1989, said that like the first gift, this one will pay the honorarium and fees of a guest lecturer nationally or internationally recognized for his or her excellence in scholarship and professional distinction in architecture, planning or design. The annual lectures have alternated between the disciplines of architecture and planning. The new gift will permit the architecture school to sponsor two annual lectures, one in architecture and one in planning. Recent Clarkson Chairs have included architecture critic Mark Wigley; Michael Storper, a UCLA professor of regional and international development; K. Michael Hayes of the Harvard School of Architecture, and Robert D. Yaro, noted urban and regional planner. Canadian urban historian Alan Artibise, a specialist in urban planning and development, has been named the Fall 2001 Clarkson Visiting Chair. Director of the Public Policy Research Center and E. Des Lee Endowed Professor of Community Policy at the University of Missouri, Artibise will lecture at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 9 in 301 Crosby Hall, South Campus. His topic will be sustainable development in the bi-national region that embraces southern Canada and the U.S. The lecture will be free and open to the public. In connection with his appointment, Artibise will present classroom seminars for UB architecture and planning students. Clarkson, an adjunct professor in the School of Architecture and Planning, retired in 1983 from Graphic Controls, where he served for 13 years as chairman and CEO. Nan Clarkson, a trustee of the Irish Classical Theatre, has served for many years as a trustee of the Buffalo Museum of Science and as chair of the Buffalo Arts Commission. Their gift is part of UB's $250 million campaign. CAS really cooks (for SEFA) How does an Italian dinner for four, prepared by chemistry professor Joseph Gardella and delivered to your door, sound? Or exploring Western New York for the "best cheap eats" with Associate Dean Peter Gold? These culinary adventures will be among those up for grabs this fall as the College of Arts and Sciences holds a "Culinary Raffle" to benefit the SEFA campaign. Tickets will be on sale today through Oct. 16. A drawing will be held at noon Oct. 18 in the Student Union. Ticket are $1 each, or 6 for $5. Among the 15 fabulous prizes to be awarded:
Prizes will be arranged at the mutual convenience of the donor and the winner. Winners need not be present at the drawing to collect their prizes. To support this worthy cause, call 645-2711 for ticket locations or go to the booth in the Student Union lobby from noon to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 2 or Oct. 11. Teaching workshop offered A one-day workshop on Process Education™, an educational philosophy focusing on improving students' learning skills, will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 29 at Oswego State College. The workshop is being offered through the SUNY Training Center. The goal of the workshop is to introduce SUNY faculty, staff and administrators to the Process Education™ philosophy and provide faculty development opportunities for improving teaching, learning, curriculum design and assessment processes. The instructor will be Daniel K. Apple, the founder and president of Pacific Crest, an educational consulting and publishing company, who is regarded as one of the foremost experts on Process Education™. For further
information and to register for the workshop, go to the SUNY Training
Center Web site at For further information about Process Education™ go to the Pacific Crest Web site at www.pcrest.com/define.htm. Robinson to deliver Perry lecture Oct. 12 Thomas C. Robinson, a faculty member in the College of Allied Health Professions in the Chandler Medical Center at the University of Kentucky, will deliver the 13th annual J. Warren Perry Lecture at 4 p.m. Oct. 12 in Slee Concert Hall, North Campus. Robinson's lecture is entitled "Buffalo: Leadership in Allied Health Education." The Perry lecture is presented by the School of Health Related Professions. A reception will precede the lecture in the Slee Hall Lobby. Avant-garde artist Schneemann to speak Carolee Schneemann—a pioneering painter, performance artist and filmmaker who has been working in the New York avant-garde scene since the 1950s—will speak at 8 p.m. Monday in the Student Union Theatre, North Campus, as part of the Department of Art's Visual Studies Lecture Series. The lecture is free and open to the public. In her lecture, entitled "Disruptive Consciousness," Schneemann will discuss resistance and radicalization in contemporary art, presenting a history of her own work. She will use recent video works and a sequence of slides to examine the unpredictable directives of lived experience, the unconscious and the materials through which her installations, films and videos take form. She will discuss her motives for addressing new technologies, social issues and the latent cultural taboos surrounding sensuality. In connection with Schneemann's visit, there will be two showings of three of her autobiographical films at Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center, 2495 Main St., Buffalo. "Fuses," "Kitch's Last Meal" and "Plumb Line" will be shown at 8 p.m. Saturday and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. There will be a charge of $4 for Hallwalls members, $5 for students and $6 for the general public. NPR chief to speak National Public Radio President Kevin Klose will discuss America's premier, non-profit, news and cultural radio-programming service at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Allen Hall Theatre on the South Campus. "A Conversation with NPR President Kevin Klose" will be free of charge and open to the public. It is presented by WBFO 88.7 FM, UB's NPR affiliate, and WNED-AM. A reception will follow immediately after the talk. Before joining NPR in December 1998, Klose served as president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty from 1994-97, broadcasting to Central Europe and the former Soviet Union. He also served as an editor and reporter at The Washington Post for 25 years. For further information, call WBFO at 829-6000, ext. 532. SPIR funds awarded to firms The local branch of the Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR), based in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), has awarded grants to six Western New York companies:
Writer to discuss homeland "voyage" Journalist Andrew X. Pham left Vietnam as a child in a leaky boat and returned 20 years later to travel by bicycle through the land of his birth. The excursion led to fascinating revelations about his family's past, its secrets and wounds, and finally drew him into his own psyche. The result is "Catfish and Mandala: A Two-Wheeled Voyage Through the Landscape and Memory of Vietnam." In the book, Pham offers a provocative and lyrical account of his travels and his struggle to reconcile ideals with which he was imbued as a child in Vietnam with those he acquired in America. UB will host Pham for a lecture and reading at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 11 in the Screening Room in the Center for the Arts, North Campus. The event is free of charge and open to the public. Critic Lisa See calls Pham's book a marriage of family memoir, personal recollection, descriptive travelogue and adventure mystery. It won the 1999 Kiriyama Book Prize for nonfiction and resulted in much critical acclaim for Pham. Pham's visit to UB will be sponsored by the Asian Interest Sorority, World Languages Institute, James H. McNulty Chair (Dennis Tedlock), Poetics Program, Asian Studies Program, College of Arts and Sciences, and by the U.S.-Indochina Educational Foundation. For more information, contact the World Languages Institute at 645-2292. CAS makes dissertation funds available The College of Arts and Sciences has made funds available for up to 36 dissertation fellowships for the 2001-02 academic year. The fellowships, which carry a stipend of $4,000 for each academic year, are available on a competitive basis to outstanding graduate students who have reached the stage of preparing their doctoral dissertation. The fellowships, which entail no teaching or other form of obligation, are intended to assist advanced doctoral candidates in the preparation of their dissertations. The fellowships may be used to supplement other forms of financial support or they may be awarded to students who are otherwise unfunded. Interested graduate students should ask the director of graduate studies in their department for information on how to apply for these fellowships. Applications must be turned in to the director of graduate studies in each department no later than Oct. 7.
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