Write Now is a newsletter capturing the voice of the CEW community. News and tips coming to you from your favorite CEW writing consultants.
Great news! The CEW has a new Social Media Coordinator – Lauren Friedman! Expect a lot of fun content, community news and notification of upcoming special events.
Please follow us on your favorite social media platforms. Lauren will have us especially active on Instagram. Follow and share, if you would be so kind!
Tuesdays 1pm - 2pm and Fridays 3pm - 4pm in The Writing lab (128 Capen). Drop by to practice your conversational skills in the friendly environment at The Writing Lab. No need to register in advance. Starting after spring break. Tell your friends!
Getting started is the most difficult step in the writing process. Procrastination plagues every writer at some point and can become excessive leading you to produce rushed work. So how does one avoid avoiding? By getting started. Wait, I know that sounds obvious but hear me out! Initiate an hour I like to call, “Hell Hour”. I do this once a day, I carve out an hour on my schedule to get started on all writing that I have put off. For some reason, telling yourself you only need to work on something for one hour makes it a lot less daunting to get started. For me, usually, once I get started I find myself stopping way past that hour mark. And if I don’t, I let myself rest once the hour is finished. “Hell Hour” helps you get started when you need to, but it also helps you recognize when it’s time to stop.
The idea is to write it so that people hear it, and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.
~ Maya Angelou
Something that I like to keep in mind while writing is that my goal is progress, not perfection. Writing is an intensive activity that requires both reflection and revision. While it may be an uncomfortable realization that there is still more work to be done after drafting, the following tips can help organize your writing more easily in the revision process!
So you’ve finished your draft, now what?
Bonus Tip: If you work better visually, print out your draft, cut out each individual paragraph, and physically rearrange the sheets to reorganize your essay to flow more effectively.