Spring Hours - extended for your convenience!
in 17 Norton
Mondays 10am - 7pm
Tuesdays 9am - 6pm
Wednesdays 10am - 6pm
Thursdays 9am - 7pm
Fridays 10am - 6pm
Virtual appointments are available Sundays and throughout the week including evenings.
If you have questions, email writing@buffalo.edu. (Please note this email is only monitored during business hours Monday through Friday).
All appointments are scheduled through Navigate under the designation Writing Assistance. Should you have any problem, please email writing@buffalo.edu.
Once logged in to Navigate, click the "Schedule an Appointment" button. For the type of appointment, select Writing Assistance, then select the type of writing you want to work on. Lastly, select a date fitting your schedule or leave the date as the current date to see all the appointments available for the week.
You can filter the available appointments by Meeting Type (In-person @ 17 Norton or Online via Zoom) and/or consultant name.
For online appointments, we will be using Zoom. The appointment confirmation email will contain the Zoom link for the meeting. Be sure to log-on to Zoom using your UB account via the Single Sign-On (SSO) option.
Please note that due to logistical reasons, we cannot change in-person appointments to virtual Zoom appointments. If you would like to meet with a consultant virtually, you must book a specially-designated virtual appointment. Thank you for understanding––our goal is to be as accommodating and accessible as possible.
We will try to switch your in-person appointment to online. Just notify us through email (writing@buffalo.edu) or phone (716-645-5139) and we will try our best to accommodate the change!
Avoiding "no shows"
Help us maximize our resources by eliminating "no shows" this semester! If you know you cannot make your scheduled appointment, please cancel as soon as possible so that another student in need of writing assistance can use that time. Email writing@buffalo.edu with questions.
Technological Problems
With remote appointments, technological disruptions can be expected on occasion. The problem could lie with the connection on either the writer or consultant's end, or it could be a momentary disruption with the Zoom server. If you experience a disruption, try to leave and re-enter the appointment. If the problem persists, email writing@buffalo.edu and we will try to get you rescheduled promptly.
The online function is really neat! It allows me to utilize this service while I am abroad.