VOLUME 30, NUMBER 33 THURSDAY, May 20, 1999


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Assistant Professor (half time)-School of Law, Posting #F-9037.
Assistant Professor -Department of Ophthalmology, Posting #F-9038.
Assistant Professor (funding pending)-Department of Sociology, Posting #F-9039.
Professor and Chair -Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Posting #F-9040.
Clinical Assistant Professor/Coordinator of Corning Extension Program -Graduate School of Social Work, Posting #F-9041.
Clinical Assistant Professor/Coordinator of Jamestown Extension Program -Graduate School of Social Work, Posting #F-9042.
Clinical Assistant Professor/Coordinator of Rochester Extension Program -Graduate School of Social Work, Posting #F-9043.
Assistant/Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics -Department of Pediatrics, Posting #F-9044.


Programmer/Analyst (SL-3) (two jobs available)-Student Finances and Records, Posting #P-9025, P-9026.
Executive Director of OUPP (SL-5)-Office for University Preparatory Programs, Posting #P-9057.
Storage Management Coordinator (SL-5)-Department of Computing and Information Technology, Posting #P-9058.
Provost (MPI)-Office of the President. Posting #P-9060.
System Administrator (SL-4)-President/Sr.VP/VP Student Affairs Node, Posting #P-9061.
MBA Recruiter (SL-3)-School of Management, Posting #P-9062.
Instructional Technology Specialist ( SL-3)-Millard Fillmore College, Posting #P-9063.
Assistant Vice President for Human Resources (MP3B)-Department of Human Resources, Posting #P-9064.
Director of Employee Relations (MP4)-Department of Human Resources, Posting #P-9065.
Sr. Production Manager (SL-3)-Center for the Arts, Posting #P-9068.
Film/Video Coordinator (SL-2)-Athletics, Posting #P-9069.
Graduate Apartments Manager (SL-1)-University Residence Halls and Apartments, Posting #P-9070.
Senior Staff Assistant (SL-3)-Financial Reporting and Analysis, Posting #P-9071.
Assistant to the Director (SL-3)-Enrollment Management/Office of the Provost, Posting #P-9072.
Administrative Assistant (SL-2)-School of Social Work, Posting #P-9073.
Assistant Director of College Housing (SL-3)-University Residence Halls and Apartments, Posting #P-9074.
Student Relations Coordinator (SL-2)-Athletics, Posting #P-9075.
Assistant to the Director (SL-2)-Center for the Arts, Posting #P-9076.
Staff Assistant (SL-2)-Center for the Arts, Posting #P-9077.
Student Access Manager (SL-4) (two jobs available)-Department of Computing and Information Technology, Posting #P-9078, P-9079.


Research Technician I-Biochemistry , Posting #R-99002.
Research Support Specialist-CEDAR , Posting #R-99020. Clerk II-CEDAR, Posting #R-99040.

Non-Competitive/Labor Classified Civil Service

Building Service Aide (NS-3, part time, temporary) (three positions available)-University Facilities, Line # to be determined.
Janitor (SG-7) (two positions available)-University Residence Halls and Apartments, Line #32600, #43072.

Competitive/Classified Civil Service

Keyboard Specialist I (SG-6)-Department of English, Line #21620.
Campus Public Safety Officer (SG-12)-University Police, Line #23476. Clerk I-Financial Aid to Students, Line #30929.
Computer Operator (SG-10)-Operational Support Services, Line #32393.
Secretary I (SG-11, part time)-Graduate School of Education, Line #32484.
Keyboard Specialist I (part time)-Financial Aid to Students, Line #34864.

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