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Shambu Upadhyaya, associate professor of computer science and engineering, has received a Senior Summer Research Faculty Fellowship from the U.S. Navy to conduct research on computer security at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington. Upadhyaya also has received a contract from the Air Force Research Laboratory in Rome, N.Y., to continue research that he began last summer in the area of intrusion detection, damage assessment and service. Jason Majewski has been elected to a two-year term representing District 2 on the national board of the Student Alumni Association/Student Foundation (SAA/SF) Network of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). A member of UB's University Student Alumni Board (USAB), Majewski, a sophomore, will serve as liaison between the network and 51 colleges and universities in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, the District of Columbia and Ontario. "Spread Eagle," an 18-foot long, five-foot high, 100-pound steel bridge built by 14 members of the student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), placed second in the regional competition of the National Steel Bridge Competiton held recently at Cornell University. The finish has earned the bridge team a trip to the finals, being held Wednesday through June 2 in Anchorage, Alaska. UB's two other entries-"Alpha" and "Leprechaun"-placed fifth and seventh, respectively, among the 14 entries in the contest
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