VOLUME 33, NUMBER 11 THURSDAY, November 15, 2001

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Fruit Belt study earns national award
Paper by Henry Taylor, Sam Cole proposes new approach for community revitalization

Contributing Editor

A proposal by two UB faculty members for an entirely new approach to community revitalization has been named Best Action Research Paper on Housing and Community Development for 2001 by the Fannie Mae Foundation and Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP).

Henry Louis Taylor, Jr., and Sam Cole, professors of planning, will share a $1,000 prize as joint authors of the winning paper, "Structural Racism and Efforts to Radically Reconstruct the Inner City Built Environment: Rethinking the Community Revitalization Movement."
  The arrow in the above map pinpoints the Fruit Belt. The mural (below) decorates the Moot Senior Citizens Center at 76 Orange St. in the Fruit Belt.

The award, presented last weekend at the 2001 national ACSP conference in Cleveland, was given for the best paper evaluating how new knowledge developed by professional practice or academic analysis and research significantly improved professional planning practice in a housing or community development project. Preference was given to authors who actually are involved in the project.

The Taylor-Cole paper is an outgrowth of the authors' research and professional involvement in Buffalo's Fruit Belt neighborhood, the poorest in the city. The paper presents a detailed analysis of why the decades-old community revitalization movement, in all its permutations, has failed to transform inner city neighborhoods and suggests an alternative "turning point" approach to urban neighborhood development.

The turning point theory calls for urban communities to develop strong transformative goals, as well as the policies, programs and political action to achieve them.

A project to be launched by the Center for Urban Studies—which is directed by Taylor—that is built upon the turning point concept has been provided $300,000 in seed money by the Rev. Robert E. Grimm and his wife, Roberta.

Grimm, who retired in 1987 as director of the Council of Churches of Buffalo and Erie County, says he and his wife were looking for a project in this community that would help people improve their lives.

"Mr. Taylor's project seemed not only exciting, but even more viable because of the university support," he adds.

Taylor and Cole say that decades of failed community-revitalization strategies have been fueled by neighborhood life-cycle theory, which Taylor calls "a racist structural barrier to inner-city development.

"Life-cycle theory stresses neighborhood decline as a 'natural process' dictated by rational, impersonal forces of change and by the racial- and social-class composition of neighborhoods," Taylor says. "In fact, decline is due to the failure of redevelopment strategies, which are a mixture of policies, budgetary allocations and planned interventions. It also discourages massive fiscal investment in inner-city neighborhoods, although just such an investment is central to any strategy to revitalize central cities and energize urban regions."

He says it was life-cycle theory that served as the theoretical underpinning of the neighborhood classification system derived by the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) in 1933. The system ranked neighborhoods according to their economic trajectory—the in-migration of blacks being a downward trigger.

The HOLC ranking took on a life of its own, he says, and for decades negatively influenced the attitudes of homeowners, mortgage bankers, policy makers and developers toward inner-city neighborhoods, thus provoking their ultimate decline.

The goal of the community-revitalization movement, which emerged in the 1960s, was to break this cycle of inner-city distress by fostering a fundamental transformation of poor neighborhoods. New programs were expected to bring about sustained improvement in the circumstances and opportunities for those living there. Despite its promise, Taylor says, the movement failed to develop a model capable of achieving its goals.

He says that over the past two decades, the movement devolved into a series of uncoordinated, disjointed activities, from enterprise zones and community enterprise corporations to social capital initiatives, community policing, faith-based initiatives and, most recently, "comprehensive community initiatives."

Taylor and Cole write that another popular and failed approach to community revitalization is based on "tipping theory," which promotes the infusion of marginal and incremental resources that are insufficient to stave off neighborhood decline.

"The neighborhood life-cycle and neighborhood tipping theories describe revitalization in passive, preventive terms," Taylor says, "but in order to achieve the objective of vital, reinvigorated communities, we must think about inner-city development in bold, new ways."

The authors maintain that, despite past failures, it is possible for declining neighborhoods to be brought back to life using strategies that require private-public sector cooperation.

The new approach they call the "turning point theory" calls for an aggressive, comprehensive approach to neighborhood and community development.

The theory holds that there is a threshold of investment in a neighborhood—below which there will be no significant overall improvement and above which there will be a reinforcing spiral of enhancement that will radically transform the community. To achieve threshold, Cole says, improvements must take place across several dimensions.

"Building new homes without landscaping streets or dealing with security issues is unlikely to be sufficient," he says.

"The additive model we used in the study of the Fruit Belt," he notes, "takes many things into account in the economic analysis: the rehabilitation of existing dwellings, new homes, demolition and landscaping, upgrading of streets and sidewalks, and commercial amenities."

The study applies the turning point theory in its assessment of the total cost and return of revitalizing the Fruit Belt neighborhood. It proposes methods of financing and suggests the improvement thresholds necessary for tax increment financing and commercial development to kick in and provoke further neighborhood development

"The time has come for planners and community developers to think big and imaginatively as we chart a new urban agenda for the 21st century," Taylor says.

The paper concludes that for the outcomes of the turning point theory to be realized, the community-revitalization process must be led and controlled by neighborhood residents.

It will take a political fight, the authors say, to implement the kinds of changes prescribed, but that development can occur if residents acquire the political muscle to move development beyond the turning point threshold.

In discussing the Center for Urban Studies project in the Fruit Belt, which is being launched through the Inner City Transformation Group, Taylor points out that the Grimms' gift is "jump-starting the process so that we can begin leveraging funds to facilitate partnerships and make it happen.

"Ultimately, it will be a $40 million to $50 million project, using an innovative development model that we hope will work in communities across the country," he says.

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