VOLUME 33, NUMBER 11 THURSDAY, November 15, 2001

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December concert schedule features student ensembles

The Department of Music will close out its concert schedule for the fall semester with presentations by student ensembles that will offer something to appeal to just about everyone—from jazzy saxophones to spirited singing.

All programs will be free of charge and open to the public.

Harry Fackelman, a member of the renowned Amherst Saxophone Quartet, will direct the UB Saxophone Ensemble in concert at 3 p.m. Dec. 1 in Slee Concert Hall, North Campus.

The next day, faculty flutist Cheryl Gobbetti Hoffman will direct 'Plosion,' UB's flute ensemble, in a Francophile's delight. Entitled "French Persuasion," the program at 3 p.m. in Baird Recital Hall, North Campus, will feature works solely by French composers, including Ravel and Roussel.

The UB Contemporary Ensemble, under the direction of Jonathan Golove—electric cellist, composer and teacher—will perform at 8 p.m. Dec. 3 in Baird. The ensemble is devoted to the preparation and performance of music from our time.

Also in Baird, a chamber music concert will be presented at 8 p.m. Dec. 4. Personnel and program will be announced.

Having performed with groups ranging from the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra to the British rock group Duran Duran, Jon Nelson brings an interesting perspective to his duties as conductor for the UB Concert Band. The band's program for its concert at 8 p.m. Dec. 5 in Slee will include works both revolutionary—Holst's First Suite in E-flat—and anthemic—Sibelius's Karelia Suite—among others.

The semester will end with two choral programs. The UB Choir & Chorus' bill for its performance at 8 p.m. Dec. 6 in Slee will feature works by Brahms and J.S. Bach. Award-winning conductor Harold Rosenbaum directs both groups.

The semester's closing event will be a recital by students from the vocal studios at 8 p.m. Dec. 7 in Slee.

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