Your UB Online Directory Entry

The UB Online Directory lists enrolled students and employees at UB. You can update the user-supplied information for your entry in the UB Online Directory yourself.

Searching the UB Online Directory

The UB Online Directory search page features an input field, followed by a search type selection.

Enter the desired text in the input field, then choose a search type selection of full name, family name, email address, UBITName or campus telephone number.

Entries in the search field can contain wildcard "*" characters which allow you to match any string of characters:

  • J*Smith matches all Smiths with a first name beginning with the letter J.
  • James Smith returns entries with the first name James and last name Smith, regardless of middle initial.
  • *ith matches last names ending in the letters ith.

A given search may match more than one entry but no more than 25 will be returned for any single search.

Troubleshooting Your Results

If you enter valid data and do not see results you expect:

  • You may have the wrong search field selected.
  • Students who suppress their data as per FERPA Information Release and Directory Publication Policy do not appear by name in the UB Online Directory.
  • Your search may be too broad.
  • A person may have a suffix, such as Jr. as part of their name that is not being searched properly. Search with a * immediately after their name, such as James Smith* instead.
  • Students may not be registered at UB yet.
  • The person may be a UB retiree.
  • The employee's appointment paperwork may have lapsed.


Updating Your UB Online Directory Information

Institutional information, such as your name, is generated from a data feed and must be changed with the correct office for it to reflect in your entry:

To update your user-supplied information, including displayed email address:

  1. Go to the UB Online Directory.
  2. Search for your name.
  3. Select your entry.
  4. Select Update your user-supplied information.
  5. Authenticate using your UBITName and password.
  6.  Enter your updated information.
  7. Click Submit Changes.

Common Questions

What if I can't find my UBITName when I try to look it up?

The Find Your UBITName tool does not contain UBITNames for alumni or students who have filed for FERPA. Applicants are also not listed. If your UBITName is not listed and you do not know it, contact the UBIT Help Center.

Who can fix my title or phone number if they are wrong?

Faculty and staff titles  and phone numbers are derived from data with Human Resources. If your title or phone number in the online directory appears to be incorrect, your department must correct your appointment data with Human Resources.  

Can I use a name other than my legal name?

Still need help?

Contact the UBIT Help Center.