Handling Data Safely

The Information Security Office has a course called Handling Data Safely to help UB community members who may come into contact with restricted or private data. The course explain the types of data that are of concern and the regulations apply to UB. Enrollment is open to anyone at UB.

Take the Handling Data Safely Course

Faculty and Staff

  1. Go to UB EDGE.
  2. Enter your UBITName and password.
  3. Search for Handling Data Safely.
  4. You should see the course with the name of Handling Data Safely.
  5. Click Enroll.
  6. Click Close.
  7. This will bring you to the course homepage.
  8. Click Launch.
  9. Read the text on
 the homepage, and complete the course by navigating through the directions on the left-hand sidebar.

You can complete portions of the course and return at a later time by simply clicking pause.

Find more information on UB EDGE.


  1. Go to UB Learns.
  2. Click on the Tools menu and select Discover
  3. Type Handling Data Safely into the search bar
  4. Select Handling Data Safely - ADM_PRE_20090108_cende
  5. Click on Enroll in Course
  6. Begin by selecting Handling Data Safely - Start Here and reading the material provided on the web page.

You can complete portions of the course and return at a later time. To return to the course, log into UB Learns and it should appear on your Course List on the Courses page. Simply click on Handling Data Safely to return to where you left off in the course.

For help in accessing or completing the course, contact the 
Information Security Office.

Still need help?

Contact the UBIT Help Center.