Process Academic Integrity


If you suspect that a student may have committed an act of academic dishonesty, follow the steps below to begin the academic integrity process. If you have questions at any step of this process, please reach out to the Office of Academic Integrity at 716-645-2111 or We are here to help.

This chart outlines instructor responsibilities in the academic integrity process. At the conclusion of these steps, the Office of Academic Integrity will pick up the case and handle any future concerns, including student appeals and remediation. Please print this chart for use as a checklist. 



Contact the student by email.
 Notify the student of your suspicion within 10 academic days of discovering the possible infraction.

  • Include the link to the academic integrity policy in that email.
  • Inform the student of their right to have a department note-taker present or to record the meeting, if desired. You also have this right. The note-taker should simply record the meeting, but not participate in the discussion.

Review the student template email for more information.


Hold a consultative resolution meeting.
 (Review our consultative resolution meeting guidelines for more information.) This is the student's chance to speak on their behalf about what happened. Share your concerns and allow the student to respond.

  • You do not have to determine a sanction during this meeting.
  • Be sure to refer the student to the academic integrity policy.

Note that if a student does not respond to your request for a meeting within 10 academic days, or if the student doesn't attend a scheduled meeting, you can then determine the sanction in their absence.


Inform student of the sanction.
 Within 10 academic days of the meeting, inform the student by UB email of your decision, any sanction(s) imposed and the student's right to appeal your decision to the Office of Academic Integrity. Include the link to the academic integrity policy

  • See Appendix C (the sanctions chart) of the academic integrity policy or consult with the Office of Academic Integrity if you would like guidance on determining the sanction.
  • Copy the relevant chair and dean in your area and the Office of Academic Integrity ( on your sanction letter.

Be sure to review our template sanction letters for guidance.


Complete the Academic Dishonesty Report Form. It is imperative that all cases, regardless of severity be reported to the Office of Academic Integrity via this form. Centralized reporting holds students accountable for academic honesty across the university. As many as 25 students can be reported on the same Academic Dishonesty Report Form if they have the same charge and sanction. For dishonesty cases involving a large number of students, please contact OAI for guidance. 


Additional Resources