Graduation Requirements

All of the graduation requirements, deadlines and forms can be found on the Graduate School Website.

Graduation Checklist

  1. Submit a PhD Application to Candidacy (ATC) Form to the graduate school.
    1. ATC due March 1 for June (spring) conferral
    2. ATC due July 1 for September (summer) conferral
    3. ATC due October 1 for February (fall) conferral)
  2. Report any changes to the ATC to the Graduate school.
  3. Register for at least 1 credit hour during the semester immediately preceding your degree conferral date.
    1. Fall semester registration is required for February conferral and spring semester registration is required for June or September conferral.
  4. Complete the required number of credits.
  5. Maintain the minimum GPA.
  6. Remediate any incomplete and/or missing grades.

Required Paperwork

To become a doctoral candidate, the following must be successfully completed:
  1. Have an approved Application to Candidacy Form Download pdf on file.
  2. Successfully defended an oral thesis and be approved by the PhD Committee.
    1. The oral defense must be announced through the Graduate Coordinator
    2. Once defended, the PhD Committee must complete the CDES Dissertation Defense Form before signing off on the M-Form.
  3. Submit a completed M-form Download pdf for PhD Dissertation
  4. Submit your Electronic Thesis (ETD) form to the Graduate School.
  5. Complete the Doctoral Degree Recipient Survey (there are 2 distinct surveys to complete).