Internships allow our students to use the skills acquired during their classes in executing project goals
Approved students who are in good standing in their degree program may earn academic credit for internships. To receive academic credit for an internship, follow the procedure described below.
It is up to each individual student to secure their own internship, but UB has some great resources to help you with your search.
IAD has a list of past companies students have interned with that enrolled students have access to. Students are also encouraged to write to companies that interest you and ask if they have positions available - include your resume and let them know what problems you can help solve for them through your specific skillset.
Students and company representatives at the STEAM Job and Internship Fair organized by the Career Design Center in Alumni Arena. Photographer: Meredith Forrest Kulwicki
Students in the Engineering Science MS (Data Science), Engineering Science (Artificial Intelligence), and MPS Data Science and Applications programs have the option to complete an internship for their culminating course requirement. The earliest students can enroll in the masters project course for their internship is after successful completion of two semesters of full-time study.
Students in the CDSE PHD can complete an internship as elective credit towards their degree requirements by enrolling in CDA 601 Individual Problems with their major advisor. Students must have satisfied all of their core course requirements and passed their qualifying exam before they can complete an internship. The industry experience should supplement their research.