Thank you for your interest in applying for a fellowship grant. Please revisit this page for updates about next year's fellowships.
Page updated February 25, 2025
The Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy at the University at Buffalo School of Law plans to award fellowships to scholars pursuing important topics in law, legal institutions, and social policy.
Mid-career and Senior Fellowships are currently available for established scholars who wish to work at The Baldy Center, typically during a funded sabbatical or research leave. Awardees will receive a living expense allowance of $2,000 per month during the period of their residence as well as limited relocation assistance. Senior and Mid-career Fellows typically spend one semester in residence, but other terms are possible. See details about The Baldy Center Senior and Mid-Career Fellows, here.
Post-Doctoral Fellowships are not available in AY 2025-2026. Should that change, our website and grant application portal will be updated accordingly. When available, post-doctoral fellowships are open to individuals who have completed the PhD or JD, but have not yet begun a tenure-track appointment. Post-doctoral fellows generally receive an annual stipend in range of $50,000, with up to $2,000 in annual professional travel support, and limited relocation assistance. Post-doctoral fellowships are ordinarily awarded for a period of up to two academic years. See details about The Baldy Center Post-Doctoral Fellows, here.
Fellows are expected to participate regularly in The Baldy Center events, but otherwise have no obligations beyond vigorously pursuing their research. Fellows receive standard university research privileges and access to: university libraries; high-speed Internet; computer equipment; office space; office telephone; website space; working paper series; and more. Fellows are encouraged to develop collaborative research projects with faculty members where appropriate.
The Baldy Center
511 O’Brian Hall
Buffalo NY 14260
Primary criteria for selection include intellectual strength of the proposal, significance for interdisciplinary research on law, legal institutions, and social policy, demonstrated academic achievement, and originality, clarity, and overall scholarly merit of the research plan.
PDF Document 1. Curriculum Vitae (text in English, listing all degrees, positions, and publications)
PDF Document 2. Research Plan (3 pages maximum) with key citations including:
Research questions, working hypotheses, and larger research context;
—Importance of the project to understanding law, legal institutions, and social policy;
—Relevance to applicant’s scholarly field;
—Research fit with The Baldy Center's mission;
—Expected findings.
—Sources of information, including specific information about sources and/or archives
(website, addresses, interlocutor-interviewee context, IRB requirements, etc. as relevant);
—Strategies for obtaining information;
—Rationale for selection of research sites, data sets, interviewees;
Expected outcomes and products.
PDF Document 3. Academic writing sample. This sample may be a book chapter or article.
PDF Document 4. First Letter of Recommendation
PDF Document 5. Second Letter of Recommendation
PDF Document 6. Third Letter of Recommendation
Optional Additional PDF Document: pertaining to J1 Visa, if applicable.
A: Mid-career and Senior Fellowships require one semester or possibly one quarter in residence. Post-doctoral Fellowships require one full year in residence at minimum, with the option for two years in residence.
Q: Are fellowships available during the entire year, including during summer months?
A: Fellows are required to be in residence only during the academic year. For Mid-Career and Senior Fellows who wish to stay during the summer, it is possible to adjust the stipend payment schedule to ensure continuing funding during the summer. Post-doctoral fellows continue to receive the stipend over the summer months.
Q: What is the expected starting date for the Mid-career and Senior Fellows?
A: September or January in most cases, but this is negotiable.
Q: I see that collaborative research with University at Buffalo faculty may be preferred. Is it necessary to try to establish these collaborations before applying, or is this something that can be done once the fellowship has been awarded?
A: No, it is not all necessary to do so before applying. We want to make it clear that we would be supportive of developing collaborative research if the opportunities arise. We do not expect that this will happen in each case.
Q: Are non-U.S. citizens and residents eligible for The Baldy Center Mid-Career and Senior Fellowships?
A: Yes. The Baldy Center is interested in hosting global scholars. Immigration is not always simple, but we have structured the Fellows Program in hopes of minimizing potential difficulties. Our Fellows are not employees of The Baldy Center or the University, but rather, are Visiting Scholars who, in most cases, may be eligible for J1 Visas. See further information here: UB Immigration Services.
Q: Is the same form used to apply for any fellowship at of The Baldy Center'?
A: Yes. One application form serves applicants to any of our fellowships. On that form, each applicant indicates which fellowship pertains to their application.
Pursuant to University policy, The University at Buffalo is committed to ensuring equal employment, educational opportunity, and equal access to services, programs, and activities without regard to an individual's race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, gender, pregnancy, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, predisposing genetic characteristics, marital status, familial status, veteran status, military status, domestic violence victim status, or ex-offender status. Employees, students, applicants or other members of the University community (including but not limited to vendors, visitors, and guests) may not be subjected to harassment that is prohibited by law or treated adversely based upon a protected characteristic.
The University’s policy is in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and harassment. These laws include the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as Amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, and the New York State Human Rights Law. These laws prohibit discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment and sexual violence.