
Explore your career options, build new skills and meet people who can help you find a job. While most of our events are designed to help students advance their careers, we also offer events for faculty, staff, employers and UB alumni.

Featured Events

  • STEAM Job + Internship Fair
    UB’s largest job & internship fair that connects employers with UB students interested in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math fields.
  • Connections Carnival
    UB’s largest job & internship fair that connects employers with UB students interested in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math fields.
  • Rehabilitation Sciences Career Fair
    Occupational and physical therapy students and employers talk about career paths and open positions. Held annually in late October.
  • Hiring Summit
    The Hiring Summit is designed to connect students looking for full-time job and internship opportunities with recruiters who are looking to hire a diverse slate of candidates.

More Upcoming Events

What's Your Career Story?

When you land that job or internship, tell us about it.

Hired a UB student?

Tell us about it. Share your hires with us