Welcome to the Design Space

This collection of resources is designed for UB faculty and staff to easily implement career preparation within the academic curriculum or on-campus job and internship work. These include on-demand learning, lesson outlines, and recommended assignments to reinforce student learning outcomes, plus tools, templates, and blog resources that can be shared with students to offer opportunities for self-guided career design.

Assigning career readiness work as part of the public health curriculum.

“Career core competencies fit really naturally into my coursework. Students learn how to apply course theories to their future work, and how to talk about that knowledge in an interview. In teaching, we care about transparency—and these resources underscore why we’re learning what we’re learning.”

- Jessica Kruger, PhD, MCHES

Learn why Jessica embeds career readiness directly into her curriculum >>

On-demand resources for faculty & staff

We’ve assembled a library in the Career Design Studio of carefully selected blog posts that are engaging, useful, and credible resources that cover a variety of topics useful to faculty and staff as they help students navigate their career paths.

Featured Blogs

These blog entries offer valuable insights into some of the most frequently asked questions and topics of interest that we hear from faculty, staff, and students at the Career Design Center.

Managing stress during a job or internship search.

Stress and anxiety are common experiences for many people, and it's a normal reaction, especially during a job or internship search. But students need to remember to take care of themselves. 

1-minute read

What is Career Readiness?

Career readiness is key to ensuring successful entrance into the workforce for new college graduates. Career readiness is the foundation upon which a successful career is launched, and career readiness is, quite simply, the new career currency.

5-minute read

Reference Letter

Wouldn't it be great if all your students could enter their ideal company and score a job right on the spot? Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that, but the right reference might get them a step closer to landing a job after graduation.

4-minute read

Career Design Studio

In the Career Design Studio, you can filter blogs by topics like:

Become a guest blogger

UB faculty and staff are some of the best resources students have in their career exploration journey—and we’d love for you to share your expertise with us! Share your insights, research, trends, experience, or advice through a guest blog post geared toward undergraduate or graduate students who visit the Career Design Studio.

Sign up to write a blog >>