Frederick Klaits
Director, Graduate Studies
Department of Anthropology
Email: fklaits@
Maria Portera
Coordinator, Graduate Studies
Department of Anthropology
Email: mportera@
Outstanding graduate students who have reached the stage of preparing their doctoral dissertations may apply on a competitive basis to receive a Dissertation Fellowship, which carries with it a stipend of $6,000 for one academic year. There are a limited number of these Fellowships, which entail no teaching or other form of obligation. They are intended to assist advanced doctoral candidates in the preparation of their dissertations. These fellowships may be used to supplement other forms of financial support a student receives, or they may be awarded to students who are otherwise unfunded.
The Mark Diamond Research Fund is offered through the Graduate Student Association (GSA) to graduate students for dissertation or thesis research-related expenses. Doctoral students are eligible to receive up to $2,500 and master's students may apply for up to $1,500.
Eligible graduate students may apply for the below awards each spring semester.