Contact Us


Directions to the Anthropology Department within Ellicott Complex:

  1. Park in the Spaulding Lot
  2. Walk towards Spaulding and Wilkeson Quads (Lake LaSalle is on your left)
  3. Enter Tunnel Road between Spaulding and Wilkeson Quads
  4. Keep on the sidewalk heading towards the Academic Center
  5. Pass the Wilkeson loading bay on your left
  6. Enter the first pair of glass doors
  7. Upon entering the vestibule, take an immediate right and enter the stairwell
  8. Take the stairs to the third floor (the stairway ends at this floor)
  9. Turn to the left and enter the Anthropology Department main office

Department Location

Department of Anthropology
College of Arts and Sciences
380 Academic Center
Ellicott Complex
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14261-0026
Phone: 716-645-2414
Fax: 716-645-3808

Office Staff

Department Administrator

Tamara M. Dixon
Department Administrator
Department of Anthropology
380 Academic Center
Ellicott Complex
Tel: (716) 645-3960

Graduate Program

Maria Portera
Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Anthropology
380 Academic Center
Ellicott Complex
Tel: (716) 645-6242

Undergraduate Program

Email APY undergraduate support with enquiries.

Please contact us with general questions and for more information
about applying to the Department of Anthropology.

Email using the form below: 
