Fall 2024 Course Offerings

APY 105LEC: Introduction to Anthropology

Section 1:
Reg. #15418
Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 2:00-2:50pm
114 Hochstetter Hall
Instructor: Dr. Irene Ketonen Keating

Section 2:
Reg. #24455
Tuesday/Thursday 8:00am-9:20am
Fronczak  422
Instructor: Dr. Edith Gonzalez

Section 3: 
Reg. #24470
Tuesday/Thursday 5:00-6:20pm
Clemens 106
Instructor: Dr. Stephen Lycett

This class is a general introduction to the field of anthropology, the study of humanity. It is designed to pique your interest in the broad diversity of human behavior and lifestyles across the world and throughout time. This course will take a look at the four major subfields - archaeology, linguistic anthropology, physical anthropology, and cultural anthropology - and include discussions on our "youngest" subfield, applied anthropology. The goal of this class is to understand the wide range of issues covered by the fields of anthropology, the ways in which these issues are studied by specialists in the field, and the practical effects of the questions covered by anthropological study.

APY 106LEC: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Reg.# 15419
Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 10:00-10:50am
Knox 104
Instructor: Dr. Meghana Joshi

What is culture and how does it affect our understanding of the world and the ways we behave? How do cultural anthropologists approach the study of human societies and what methods do they use to do research? These are some of the questions that we will examine in this class. The course introduces students to ethnographic methods and theories of cultural anthropology. The aim is to enhance our knowledge of our own culture and of other cultures around the world. All majors are welcome.

APY 107LEC: Introduction to Human Evolution

Section 1:
Reg.# 15420
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:00-9:50am
Clemens 322
Instructor: Dr. Noreen von Cramon-Taubadel

Section 2:
Reg.# 23112
Remote, not real time
Instructor: Dr. Stephanie Poindexter

How did humans evolve? How did modern humans become so diverse?  When did humans start to walk upright?

In this course, we will cover the scientific study of human evolution, focusing on the emergence and diversification of our species. Topics covered include: the fundamental principles of evolutionary theory, human morphological variation, the basics of genetics as it relates to the emergence of our species, how studying nonhuman primates can inform our own evolutionary past and future, the fossil record, and the material culture record from our earliest primate ancestors to the emergence of our species – Homo sapiens.

APY 108LEC: Introduction to Archaeology

Section 1:
Reg. #15889
Monday/Wednesday 11:00-11:50am
170 Academic Center
Hybrid Course: In person and remote
Instructor: Dr. Lacey Carpenter

Section 2:
Reg. #23114
Tuesday/Thursday 2:00-3:20pm
222 NSC
Instructor: Dr. Douglas Perrelli

Archaeology is the study of the human past through its material remains.  So much evidence of human activity on earth exists outside the realm of written records that archaeology is of primary importance in reconstructing past human life ways.  Introduction to Archaeology provides an overview of the methods, theories and models used by archaeologists to better understand past human societies, from the formulation of a research question, through the processes of survey and excavation, to the analysis of data, and the interpretation of the results. 

APY 275LEC: Culture, Health and Illness

Reg. #16934
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 11:00-11:50am
Alumni 97
Instructor: Dr. Meghana Joshi

People in all societies experience illness, but their understandings of the causes of disease and approaches for restoring health differ greatly. This course examines the social and cultural dimensions of health, illness, and healing. Through a variety of case studies, we will learn about the ways medical anthropologists study explanations of disease, experiences of suffering, and the social organization of health care.  Western medicine, also called “biomedicine,” will also be an object of our analysis. We will discuss how the delivery of biomedical health care involves particular understandings of the body and appropriate social relationships. Emphasis will also be placed on how the stories that individuals and institutions circulate about human agency in suffering shape people’s convictions about how to care, and for whom to care. The course aims to teach students to think about health, disease, and medicine in national, cross-cultural and global terms.

APY 313LEC: Anthropology and Film

Reg. #23127
Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 9:00-9:50am
127B Cooke Hall
Instructor: Dr. Vasiliki Neoftistos

The course explores the multiple relationships between anthropology and film. We will explore how anthropologists have used and debated film as a mode of ethnographic representation, that is, as a way of constructing and communicating knowledge about the world. We will also explore how the medium of film has helped to shape anthropology, specifically the debates on ethnographic representation. Key issues include, but are not limited to, the representation of human realities and the ethical dilemmas involved in filming real people, truth, authority, reflexivity, and spectatorship.

APY 348LEC: Forensic Anthropology Osteology

Reg. #12719
Monday, 5:00-7:40p
170 Academic Center
Instructor: Staff

Covers fundamentals of human skeletal anatomy through lecture, demonstration, and laboratory work. Considers procedures and applications in contemporary and historical human biology and in archaeology, stressing both technical approach and theoretical application. This lecture and laboratory course demonstrates the fundamentals of human skeletal biology and anatomy. Stresses procedures and applications used in evaluating archaeological and contemporary human populations. Considers forensic applications.

APY 354LEC: World Music

Reg. #23161
Remote, not real time
Instructor:  Dr. Colter Harper

This course meets the Area Studies requirement. 

What is popular music and how has it developed over the past century in rapidly globalizing music markets? Students will have the opportunity to listen to and engage with a range of popular music from around the globe. We will explore the development and movement of genres such as hip-hop, rock, jazz, and pop and examine how they have influenced localized scenes and styles. Through critical listening, students will connect musical performances to broader socio-political conflicts that have unfolded since World War II.

Students are not required to have studied music but will be expected to develop critical listening skills.

APY 367LEC: Mesoamerican Archaeology

Reg. #22014
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 1:00-1:50pm
422 Fronczak Hall
Instructor: Dr. Lacey Carpenter

This course meets the Area Studies requirement. 

This course examines the development of indigenous societies, including the Zapotec, Aztec, and Maya, in Mesoamerica. We will begin by examining the archaeology of early hunter-gatherer societies and continue to follow the rise of the first cities of the New World and the formation of the Empires that clashed with invading European colonists. The class uses archaeology and the material record to explore the role of indigenous peoples and their history in shaping contemporary Mesoamerica.

APY 444SEM: Behavioral Research Methods

Reg. #23158
Tuesday/Thursday, 2:00-3:20p
106 Baldy Hall
Instructor: Dr. Stephanie Poindexter

Behavioral Research Methods provides students with first-hand experience in all of the steps involved to conduct scientific research: developing a research question, selecting appropriate observation methods, collecting data, and summarizing their findings in a written report and formal scientific presentation. This is a writing intensive course, and students will be expected to submit various sections of their research report throughout the course.

APY 477SEM: Culture and Disability

Reg. #23172
Tuesday/Thursday, 12:30-1:50p
354 Academic Center
Instructor: Dr. Frederick Klaits

This course is an introduction to disability studies, an integrative subfield representing research by medical anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, and historians, as well as clinical and social interventions by social workers, occupational and physical therapists, and public health agents. What unifies these disciplines is the search for understanding of societal and cross-cultural attitudes and policies regarding impairment, illness, and difference, especially those whose physical or behavioral differences have been stigmatized through negative social or medical labels.

Among the topics to be considered are the meanings and perceptions of impairment in various cultures and how these perceptions influence the rights and status of people living with disability. We will look at how individuals and their families experience disability, severe injury, stigmatized illnesses, and severe trauma and come to develop new identities through these experiences. And we will consider community support systems and government policies that positively or negatively affect traumatized and disabled individuals and their families.

Meets Senior Seminar requirement.  For Fall 2024, APY 477 will satisfy the Senior Seminar requirement. This course does not automatically populate in HUB as a senior seminar course. Please email the Anthropology Undergraduate Coordinator (carolzit@buffalo.edu) to request that APY 477 be used to fulfill this requirement.