Reading and Lecture Series

The English Department hosts a number of ongoing series including innovative poetry and fiction readings, and film and scholarly lectures.

  • Exhibit X Fiction
    The Exhibit X Fiction Series showcases experimental and innovative fictions.
  • Juxtapositions
    Juxtapositions is the Department lecture series. Every year we host talks by established scholars and emerging voices across a range of periods, areas, and topics.
  • Poetics Plus
    A reading series sponsored by Poetics Program, Poetics Plus brings contemporary experimental poets to UB to read from their work.
  • Psychoanalysis
    The Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Culture sponsors cutting edge talks and conferences.
  • The Center for Global Film and Media
    The Center for Global Film and Media organizes events and screenings that deal with topics related to an ever-changing global environment. The premise of the center’s research and activities is that today we inhabit a new and irrevocably different world and this necessitates new conceptual tools and discourses. The goal of the center is to increase awareness of important global issues in our interconnected society, catalyze social change and promote cross-cultural understanding through the medium of film. The competence of the center rests in the fields of Film Theory, Global/Transnational Cinema, Film-Philosophy, Theories of Representation, Cinematic Modernisms, Film Adaptations, Narrative Film, and Film Criticism. All events of the center are open to UB undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and the WNY community at large.