Congratulations to our PhD alumni. On this page we are pleased to present the listing, since 2010, showing the graduate's name, term awarded, thesis advisor, and thesis title.
Published February 18, 2025
Graduate Name | Term Awarded | Thesis Advisor | Thesis Title |
Yusun Sun | 2024 | Dr. Bernard Badzioch | Cobordism Categories with Relative Tangential Structures |
Ahn, Min Woong | Spring 2024 | Dr. Hanfeng Li | Fractional Dimension Theory of Pierce Expansions |
Hutchings, Raymond Henry | Spring 2024 | Dr. Brian Spencer | The Effect of Plastic Flow on Glacier Dynamics in a Dynamical System Model for Ice Ages |
Liu, Ruodan | Spring 2024 | Dr. Naoki Masuda | Dynamic Processes on Networks |
Peng, Jun | Spring 2024 | Dr. Alexandru Chirvasitu | Banach-Lie group valued cocycles and discrete cohomology |
Wang, Daxun | Spring 2024 | Dr. Johanna Mangahas | On the Problems of Isomorphism and Profinite Rigidity of Generalized Baumslag-Solitar Groups |
Zhao, Bojun | Spring 2024 | Dr. Xingru Zhang | Taut foliations in 3-manifolds and left orderable 3-manifold groups. |
Deepisha Solanki | Spring 2023 | Dr. William Menasco | Studying Links via Plats |
Cosgrove, Gage Makenzie | Spring 2023 | Dr. Alex Chirvasitu | Techniques for the Analysis of Representations of Braid Groups |
Gkogkou, Aikaterini | Spring 2023 | Dr. Barbara Prinari | Inverse scattering transform and solitons: scalar and coupled short-pulse equations and matrix nonlinear Schrodinger equation |
Kilic, Bengier Ulgen | Spring 2023 | Dr. Sarah Muldoon/Dr. Dane Taylor | Characterizing dynamics on and of networks via higher-order interactions: applications in computational neuroscience |
Kim, Jiseong | Spring 2023 | Dr. Xiaoqing Li | Topics in analytic number theory |
Ma, Renda | Fall 2022 | Dr. Yiqiang Li | Primitive Elements in the Hall Algebra of a Cyclic Quiver |
Ma, Yuqing | Fall 2022 | Dr. Bernard Badzioch | Detecting Mapping Spaces |
Rozwood, Bud | Fall 2022 | Dr. Brian Spencer | Selection of Reduced Models for Ice Age Prediction using Particle Filter Methods |
Abeya Ranasinghe Mudiyanselage, Asela Viraj | Spring 2022 | Dr. Gino Biondini/Dr. Barb Prinari | Nonlinear Schrodinger systems with non-zero background: inverse scattering, solitons, and modulation theory. |
Cain, Charles | Spring 2022 | Dr. Bernard Badzioch | Stable Boundaries of Bundles of Manifolds |
Fonseca dos Reis, Elohim | Spring 2022 | Dr. Naoki Masuda | Emergence of non-Poissonian statistics and consensus from node activity on temporal networks |
Hung, Tsz Fun | Spring 2022 | Dr. Hanfeng Li | Malcolmson semigroups |
Huynh, Bao Thai | Spring 2022 | Dr. Dane Taylor | Applications of Block Random Matrix Theory for Machine Learning over Networks with Multiscale Community structure |
Jones, Raymond | Spring 2022 | Dr. Yiqiang Li | An Algebraic Study of Cloaking Elements |
Kireyev, Dmitri | Spring 2022 | Dr. Gino Biondini | Periodic and Soliton Solutions of the Davey-Stewartson System |
Le, Minh Quang | Spring 2022 | Dr. Dane Taylor | Applications of Persistent Homology to Markov Chains and Pageranks |
Liu, Yuan | Spring 2022 | Dr. Mohan Ramachandran | On the holomorphic convexity of reductive Galois coverings over compact Kähler surfaces. |
Meng, Lingqi | Spring 2022 | Dr. Naoki Masuda | High-order and coalescing random walks on networks: Theory and applications |
Song, Zhao | Fall 2021 | Dr. Dane Taylor | Influence of Asymmetric Coupling on Multiplex Networks |
Dey, Subhankar | Summer 2021 | Dr. Cagatay Kutluhan | On Heegaard Floer Theoretic properties of Knots |
Johnson, Megan | Summer 2021 | Dr. Jae-Hun Jung | The Interconnectivity Vector and the Betti Sequence: Finite-Dimensional Representations of Persistent Homology |
Lottes, Jonathan | Summer 2021 | Dr. Gino Biondini | Nonlinear Schrodinger systems with nonzero background: Solitons, dispersive shocks and switching waves |
Oregero, Jeffrey | Summer 2021 | Dr. Gino Biondini | The focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with periodic boundary conditions: Spectral theory and semiclassical dynamics |
Weiqi, Wang | Summer 2021 | Dr. Brian Spencer | Numerical solution to the corner angle problem for an elastic solid with anisotropic surface energy |
Deutsch, Dustin | Spring 2021 | Dr. Yiqiang Li | Affine Schur Algebras and Affine Generalized Steinberg Varieties |
Doga, Hakan | Spring 2021 | Dr. Cagatay Kutluhan | Combinatorial concordance invariants from grid homology |
Hong, Tao | Spring 2021 | Dr. Alexandru Chirvasitu | The Freeness Property of Unrestricted Coproducts of Algebras and Lie Algebras |
Hopfensperger, John | Spring 2021 | Dr. Ching Chou | Topological Invariant Means on Locally Compact Groups |
Jin, Xifeng | Spring 2021 | Dr. William Menasco | Geodesics in the curve graph and Heegaard distance |
Samer, Andrew | Spring 2021 | Dr. Yiqiang Li | On Multiplication Formulas in Affine q-Schur Algebras |
Schilder, Marc | Spring 2021 | Dr. Xingru Zhang | The A-Polynomial and Knot Volume |
Upadhyay, Aparna | Spring 2021 | Dr. David Hemmer | The Non-Projective part of Modular Representations of Finite Groups. |
Wang, Biao | Spring 2021 | Dr. Xiaoqing Li | Topics in Analytic Number Theory |
Lin, Wei | Fall 2020 | Dr. William Menasco | On Crossing Ball Structure in Knot and Link Complements |
Gu, Jiaxi | Summer 2020 | Dr. Jae-Hun Jung | Adaptive Radial basis function methods for initial and boundary value problems. |
Mandava, Navya Teja | Summer 2020 | Dr. Joseph Hundley | Generalized WO-models of Principal Series Representations of SO(2n) |
Raico, Pasquale Peter | Summer 2020 | Dr. Yiqiang Li | Geometric Schur Duality over the Complex Numbers |
Zhou, Chen | Spring 2020 | Dr. Mohan Ramachandran | Lefschetz theorem for holomorphic one-forms on weakly 1-complete manifolds |
Zalloum, Abdalrazzaq R A | Spring 2019 | Dr. Johanna Mangahas | Beyond Hyperbolicty; generalizing classical results from hyperbolic groups to all finitely generated groups |
Shi, Ruonan | Spring 2019 | Dr. Jae-Hun Jung | Gibbs-free reconstruction of Fourier data with Fourier continuation and subvoxel shift with high order approximation |
Schmidt, Matthew | Spring 2019 | Dr. Hui June Zhu | Exponential Sums and Ramification Data of Artin-Schreier-Witt Extensions |
Bittner, Alyson | Spring 2019 | Dr. Bernard Badzioch | Detecting Mapping Spaces and Spaces with Complexity One |
Jeong, Myoungin | Summer 2018 | Dr. Marina Blanton | Input Certification for Secure Computation |
Yu, Tsan Cheng | Spring 2018 | Dr. Xiaoqing Li | The Second Moment of Hecke-Maass forms for SL(3, Z) |
Su, Yin | Spring 2018 | Dr. David Hemmer | On the Induced Module of the Symmetric Group from the Gelfand-Zetlin Subalgebra |
Nieland, Mark Anthony | Spring 2018 | Dr. William Menasco | Connected-sum decompositions of surfaces with minimally-intersecting filling pairs |
Li, Sitai | Spring 2018 | Dr. Gino Biondini | Maxwell-Bloch and nonlinear Schrodinger systems with nonzero background |
Hudson, Tara Alexandra | Spring 2018 | Dr. David Hemmer | Specht Modules of Trivial Source and the Endomorphism Ring of the Lie Module |
Dougan, Kelly Lynne | Spring 2018 | Dr. Thomas Cusick | Permutation Equivalence of Quartic 2-Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions |
Wang, Qiao | Fall 2017 | Dr. Gino Biondini | Whitham Modulation Theory for Multidimensional Evolution Equations; Derivation of Integrable Systems via the Dressing Method |
Tuzun, Robert Erol | Fall 2017 | Dr. Adam Sikora | Computational verification of the Jones unknot conjecture up to 22 crossings |
Sanger, Ellyn M | Fall 2017 | Dr. David Hemmer | Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions |
Wei, Chaozhen | Summer 2017 | Dr. Brian Spencer | Epitaxial Growth and Shape Transitions of Quantum Dots |
Nicponski, John | Summer 2017 | Dr. Jae-Hun Jung | An Application of Persistent Homology to Stenotic Vascular Flows and a Method to Remove Erroneous Modes from Solutions to Differential Equations |
Zhang, Xiaoqi | Spring 2017 | Dr. John Ringland | A Stochastic Process Model for the Distribution of Hospital Charges and Length of Stay |
Wang, Xiao | Spring 2017 | Dr. Mohan Ramachandran | Kazhdan's Property(T) and Structure of Exotic Hyperbolic Manifolds |
Luo, Yixian | Spring 2017 | Dr. Hanfeng Li | Relative Sofic Entropy |
Jiang, Yongle | Spring 2017 | Dr. Hanfeng Li | On Cocycle Superrigidity Problem for Algebraic Actions |
Guo, Jingyang | Spring 2017 | Dr. Jae-Hun Jung | Adaptive Radial Basis Function ENO and WENO Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws |
Reid, Elizabeth Mason | Fall 2016 | Dr. Thomas Cusick | The theory of k-MRS functions |
Sartwell, Matthew Jacob | Spring 2016 | Dr. Bernard Badzioch | Detecting Mapping Spaces and Derived Equivalence of Algebraic Theories |
Ruppe, Dennis Aaron | Spring 2016 | Dr. Xingru Zhang | On the AJ-conjecture for certain families of satellite knots |
Rosas, Michael Anthony | Spring 2016 | Dr. Dave Hemmer | On the structure of Specht modules in weight three blocks of symmetric group algebras |
Orenstein, Adam Seth | Spring 2016 | Dr. Jingbo Xia | Quasicontinuous functions on the unit circle and Toeplitz operators in symmetric normed ideals |
Liang, Bingbing | Spring 2016 | Dr. Hanfeng Li | Mean dimension, mean length, and von Neumann-Lück rank |
Fagerstrom, Emily Ruth | Spring 2015 | Dr. Gino Biondini | On the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions |
Atiponrat, Watchareepan | Spring 2015 | Dr. William Menasco | Obstructions to decomposable exact Lagrangian fillings |
Winter, Blake Karl | Summer 2014 | Dr. Adam Sikora | Virtual, Welded, and Ribbon Links in Arbitrary Dimensions |
Kraus, Daniel K | Summer 2014 | Dr. Gino Biondini | Vector nonlinear Schrödinger systems with nonzero boundary conditions |
Johns, Bryan Robert | Fall 2013 | Dr. Thomas Cusick | The theory of 2-functions |
Corrigan-Salter, Bruce Robert | Summer 2013 | Dr. Bernard Badzioch | Rigidification of Homotopy Algebras over Finite Product Sketches |
Le, Tuan Minh | Spring 2013 | Dr. Jonathan Dimock | Infinite Volume Limit for Correlation functions in the Dipole Gas |
Huang, Huichi | Spring 2013 | Dr. Hanfeng Li | Compact quantum group actions on compact quantum spaces |
Zhang, Chen | Fall 2012 | Dr. John Ringland | Spatially Explicit Population-genetics Modeling in a Discontinuous Habitat and in the Presence of an Allee Effect |
Halliwell, Gary Thomas | Fall 2012 | Dr. Brian Spencer | An unconditionally stable spectral method for an isotropic thin-film equation |
Wu, Yanhong | Summer 2012 | Dr. Bruce Pitman | Parameter estimation of renal models |
Mahmood, Asif | Summer 2012 | Dr. Bruce Pitman | A physics-based emulator for the simulation of geophysical mass flows |
Thompson, Alyssa Kaitlin | Spring 2012 | Dr. Thomas Cusick | Cubic rotation symmetric boolean functions |
Miao, Yingjie | Spring 2012 | Dr. James Reineck | Flow-transverse Decomposition of Vector Fields |
Dodge, Craig J | Spring 2012 | Dr. David Hemmer | Modular Representations of the Symmetric Group: Structure of Specht Modules |
Chung, Phu Nhan | Spring 2012 | Dr. Hanfeng Li | Homoclinic groups, expansive algebraic actions, and actions of sofic groups |
Chen, Xinjuan | Spring 2012 | Dr. Jae-Hun Jung | Inverse reconstruction of nonuniform data and the stability of RBF method with uniform centers |
Chakraborty, Debananda | Spring 2012 | Dr. Jae-Hun Jung | High order methods for hyperbolic PDEs with singular source term |
Bui Boi, Anh Minh | Spring 2012 | Dr. Gino Biondini | Boundary value problems for discrete and continuous nonlinear Schrödinger equations |
Zhao, Guowei | Summer 2011 | Dr. Jonathan Dimock | Dipole-Dipole Correlations for the sine-Gordon Model |
Wang, Danhua | Summer 2011 | Dr. Gino Biondini | Boundary value problems and soliton solutions of discrete evolution equations; Numerical methods for the sine-Gordon equation with impulsive forcing |
Nguyen, Quan Minh | Summer 2011 | Dr. Avner Peleg | Effects of randomness, dissipation and interaction on solitons of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation and related nonlinear wave models |
Chi, Haoyan | Summer 2011 | Dr. Bruce Pitman | Analysis and Application of Reformulated Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics |
Schneider, Gregory R | Spring 2011 | Dr. William Menasco | On the classification of Legendrian rational tangles via characteristic foliations of compressing discs |
Ahmed, Saleem | Spring 2011 | Dr. Brian Spencer | Behavior of a one-dimensional nonlinear flux-limited diffusion equation and finite speed of propagation |
Isralowitz, Joshua Brough | Fall 2010 | Dr. Jingbo Xia | Size estimates of Toeplitz and Hankel operators on the Bergman and Fock space. |
Bell, Jocelyn Rose | Fall 2010 | Dr. Scott Williams | The uniform box product problem |
Zhang, Yu | Spring 2010 | Dr. Xingru Zhang | Lifted Heegaard surfaces and virtually Haken manifolds |
Lafountain, Douglas James | Spring 2010 | Dr. William Menasco | On the uniform thickness property and contact geometric knot theory |
Guo, Xiao | Spring 2010 | Dr. Xingru Zhang | Two classes of virtually fibered Montesinos links of type SL2 |
Ciungu, Lavinia Corina | Spring 2010 | Dr. Thomas Cusick | Cryptographic Boolean functions: Thue-Morse sequences, weight and nonlinearity |