Get to know us! Our 30 tenure-track faculty teach a variety of courses each semester, including more than a dozen electives for our 300+ majors and thousands of credit hours of calculus. They advise reading projects, undergraduate honors theses and doctoral theses.
Please feel free to visit our faculty during office hours. You can also meet many of our 80 graduates students who serve as teaching assistants in your calculus recitations. Our recitations are capped at 30 students.
Our friendly staff welcomes you to contact us about course registration or other issues.
Students interested in majoring in math often receive informal advice from our undergraduate secretary, Patti Wieclaw, and can set up more formal advising appointments with our director of undergraduate studies.
Patti Wieclaw
Assistant to the Undergraduate Director
Department of Mathematics
233 Mathematics Building, Buffalo, NY 14260-2900
Phone: 716-645-8785; Fax: 716-645-5039
Email: pwieclaw@