Math undergraduates, left to right: Dante Iozzo, Nigel Michki, Andrew Harris, Collin Olander, George Braun, and Jonathan Tang.
Two teams of undergraduates participated in the 2014 Mathematical Contest in Modeling. The team of Andrew Harris, Dante Iozzo, and Nigel Michki was designated as "Meritorious Winner" (top 9%) and the team of George Braun, Collin Olander, and Jonathan Tang received honorable mention (top 31%). John Ringland served as the faculty advisor to both teams.
The Mathematical Contest in Modeling is a multi-day mathematics competition. It is distinguished from other major mathematical competitions such as Putnam by its strong focus on research, originality, teamwork, communication and justification of results. This year there were 6,755 teams participating from around the world. [April 2014]
Stephen H. Schanuel passed away July 21, 2014 just a few days after his 81st birthday on Bastille Day. He leaves his son Jason, daughter Lynn (Carlos), grand daughter Jenna, and a sister.
Stephen H. Schanuel
Steve came from modest beginnings in St. Louis where his mother struggled to care for Steve and his, his three sisters and a brother. Steve’s father was a traveling salesman. Even though he won free tuition to Princeton, he worked long hours in a cafeteria where he got free food. One of his professors (I forget who) impressed with his ability, discovered Steve's circumstances, was concerned he did not have enough time to do mathematics, and subsequently obtained a scholarship to support Schanuel's room and board.
Steve began graduate school in Mathematics at The University of Chicago where we worked with Irving Kaplansky. He earned his PhD from Columbia in 1963 under Serge Lang. Before joining UB in 1972, he was at Johns Hopkins, Cornell, and SUNY Stony Brook. Though Steve came here as a heralded young Number Theorist, his contributions to Algebra were nearly as notable. Schanuel’s Lemma in Homological Algebra was publicized by Kaplansky when Steve was a student. In Number Theory, the Schanuel Conjecture, also discovered when he was a student, is a famous still open problem (for a brief statement see my article "Million-Buck Problems" in The Mathematical Intelligencer (2002), for an early study see James Ax’s article "On Schanuel’s Conjectures," Annals of Mathematics 1971.)
Steve’s interests were very wide, so wide that many of our colleagues outside Algebra and Number Theory would talk with him. Steve has written with several of our colleagues; however, he was a long time collaborator with our colleague F. William (Bill) Lawvere, with whom he wrote papers and published a popular book "Conceptual Mathematics." A second book, "Objective Number Theory" is forthcoming.
From 1986 until 1998, Steve was a member of the Friday after school "Sign of the Steer" (on Main street) beer group whose nucleus was Don Schack, Mohan Ramachandran, Jim Reineck, Bill Lawvere and Scott Williams. From 1998 to 2010 that group became the coffee group at Wegmans and the "Coffee Bean Cafe" now renamed the restaurant "Shango" on Main Street where much mathematics (Number Theory, Measure Theory, Category Theory, Topology, Set Theory), and politics, music, art and psychology was discussed six or seven days a week. We met nearly every Saturday morning and once a month on Sunday morning.
I have many fond personal memories of Steve, beginning with discussing poetry with his wife Joan and he during the 1970s. Steve was quite humble. People were often surprised with what he knew. If someone's wife or child were present, he would show interest and listen to them. He was a span, enjoying football, tennis, and track & field.
Once, when Steve visited my home in the 1980s, he brought his guitar. After dinner he complained that he did not know how to improvise on the instrument. Though I could not play the guitar, I played the piano. At our piano I improvised three pieces by respectively George Gershwin, Miles Davis and Rogers & Hammerstein. Steve said, "like that?" and then proceeded to improvise on the piano so much better than I that I never again played in front of him. Yes it was the guitar, not the piano, that caused his problem. In the 1990s Steve introduced me to the poet Billy Collins. A few years later, I owned five Collins poetry books. My most striking mathematical memory was during the 11 weeks in 2005 when I was hospitalized. Steve and Don Schack visited me daily for hours, where we read and tried to work out all the known solutions of Hilbert’s problems.
Steve retired in 2011 and left Buffalo a year later to be near his daughter Lynn and family in Florida.
I received the following note from Jill Paolini who studied with Steve and I:
"That makes me so sad. I loved him. I wrote a poem, "Ode to My Math Teacher," about him. and bought "Conceptual Mathematics" for myself for my birthday. We used to call him 'Schanuel the Manual' because he needed and used no book. He had a glint in his eye, like Santa, even if he shaved his white beard in December. I am so sorry to hear he passed. I will nurture what he taught me, and remember him with a smile on my face, even though right now I am looking through a layer of water. I remember one day in class... I asked a question and Professor Schanuel said, "That's a great question. Does anyone mind if I discuss this instead of what I was going to talk about? This is far more interesting." I also remember clearly our final exam for a 400/500 level algebra course. He gave us each 8 pieces of blank paper and told us to show him we had learned something. He said we could prove our favorite theorem, or solve a problem we could not have solved prior to his course. He concluded by telling us that he needed some encouragement, and asked us to please show him that we had learned something. Vu To was sitting next to me. He was about 18 years old, a math Olympian from Vietnam. I remember he looked so surprised and wrote nothing for at least 15 minutes... and then proceeded to write with confidence and probably encouraged Professor Schanuel with a beautiful treatise. Another story comes to mind... and another…"
~Scott Williams July 27, 2014
The Mathematics Department congratulates Kim Javor for winning the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching. This is the inaugural year of this SUNY-wide program recognizing the very best adjunct instructors. In initiating the program, Interim SUNY Provost Bringsjord noted "one of SUNY's most important distinctions is the wealth of accomplished educators and consummate professionals among its ranks. The Excellence Awards are a recognition of, and tribute to, the expertise, dedication and commitment of these individuals. Award recipients personify professional excellence and serve as role models for the SUNY community." [February 2014]
Kim Javor
Professor June Zhu is co-organizing the Fourth Annual Upstate New York Number Theory Conference, to be held at UB on April 26-27, 2014. See more information on the conference website. [February 2014]
Classes Begin
Monday, January 27, 2014
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Mohan Ramachandran (Buffalo)
On holomorphic convexity of reductive coverings of compact Kahler surfaces
4:00PM, Fri Jan 31 2014, Math 122
Algebra Seminar
Yiqiang Li (University at Buffalo)
Quantum symmetric pairs and flag varieties.
4:00PM, Mon Feb 3 2014, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Bill Menasco (Buffalo)
Short distances in the curve complex.
4:00PM, Fri Feb 7 2014, Math 122
Applied Mathematics Seminar
Avner Peleg (UB Math)
Particle simulations for propagation of multiple pulse sequences in broadband optical waveguide systems
4:00PM, Tue Feb 11 2014, Math 250
Algebra Seminar
Yorck Sommerhauser (University at Buffalo)
Deformed Enveloping Algebras I
4:00PM, Mon Feb 17 2014, Math 250
Junior Algebra Seminar- David Hemmer
4:00PM, Wed Feb 19 2014, Math 122
UB Colloquium
James Cossey (University of Akron)
Degrees of Representations of Finite Groups
4:00PM, Thu Feb 20 2014, Math 250
Algebra Seminar (Special Day): JP Cossey- University of Akron
Alperin weights of the symmetric group
4:00PM, Fri Feb 21 2014, Math 250
Applied Mathematics Seminar
Brian Spencer (University at Buffalo)
Symmetry-breaking in shape transitions of epitaxially-strained quantum dots
4:00PM, Tue Feb 25 2014, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Jingbo Xia (SUNY at Buffalo)
On the problem of characterizing multipliers for the Drury-Arveson space
4:00PM, Wed Feb 26 2014, Math 250
Algebra Seminar
Yorck Sommerhauser (University at Buffalo)
Deformed Enveloping Algebras II
4:00PM, Mon Mar 3 2014, Math 250
Applied Mathematics Seminar
Michael Langberg (UB EE)
From "big data" to "small data": a unified framework for approximating and clustering data
4:00PM, Tue Mar 4 2014, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Henry Kim (University of Toronto)
Central limit theorem for Artin L-functions.
4:00PM, Wed Mar 5 2014, Math 250
UB Colloquium
Jenny Wilson (University of Chicago)
Four perspectives on the (pure) braid groups
4:00PM, Thu Mar 6 2014, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Jenny Wilson (University of Chicago)
Stability phenomena for sequences of representations of the classical Weyl groups
4:00PM, Fri Mar 7 2014, Math 122
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Anh Tran (Ohio State)
On the AJ conjecture for pretzel knots.
4:00PM, Fri Mar 14 2014, Math 122
Spring Recess
Monday, March 17, 2014
Classes Resume
Monday, March 24, 2014
Algebra Seminar
Stefano Morra (University of Toronto)
Ordinary Representations in the p-Modular Langlands Program
4:00PM, Mon Mar 24 2014, Math 250
Special Colloquium- William Kath (Northwestern University)
Models of Large Deviations and Rare Events for Optical Pulses
4:00PM, Tue Mar 25 2014, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Byung-Jay Kahng (Canisius College)
Separability idempotents in C*-algebras
4:00PM, Wed Mar 26 2014, Math 250
Applied Mathematics Seminar
postponed, moved to 4/22 [Stephen Anco (Brock University)]
4:00PM, Tue Apr 1 2014
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Robert Lipshitz (Columbia)
The Jones polynomial, Khovanov homology and Khovanov homotopy
4:00PM, Fri Apr 4 2014, Math 122
Applied Mathematics Seminar
David Salac (UB MAE)
Three-Dimensional Modeling of Vesicle Electrohydrodynamics
4:00PM, Tue Apr 8 2014, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Lenhard Ng (Duke)
Knot contact homology and the augmentation polynomial
4:00PM, Fri Apr 11 2014, Math 122
Applied Mathematics Seminar
Werner Ceusters (UB Biomedical Informatics)
Principles of high quality ontology design
4:00PM, Tue Apr 15 2014, Math 250
Colloquium: URGE to Compute Presentations
4:00PM, Thu Apr 17 2014, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Johanna Mangahas (Brown)
An algorithm to detect full irreducibility by bounding the volume of periodic free factors
4:00PM, Fri Apr 18 2014, Math 122
Algebra Seminar
Jiuzu Hong (Yale University)
Tensor invariants, Saturation problems and Dynkin automorphisms
4:00PM, Mon Apr 21 2014, Math 250
Applied Mathematics Seminar
Stephen Anco (Brock University)
Solitons of U(1)-invariant mKdV equations
4:00PM, Tue Apr 22 2014, Math 250
Upstate NY Number Theory Conference
Saturday, April 26, 2014
4:00PM, Mon Apr 28 2014, Math 250
Applied Mathematics Seminar
Paul Bauman (UB MAE)
Computing Predictions for Complex Multiphysics Problems
4:00PM, Tue Apr 29 2014, Math 250
Applied Mathematics Seminar
Dionyssis Mantzavinos (Notre Dame)
The “good” Boussinesq equation on the half-line.
4:00PM, Thu May 1 2014, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Bill Menasco (Buffalo)
Efficient geodesics in the curve complex" or "Box, glocks and socks"
4:00PM, Fri May 2 2014, Math 122
Analysis Seminar
Roman Holowinsky (Ohio State University)
Hybrid subconvexity for convolutions of the symmetric square
4:00PM, Wed May 7 2014, Math 250
Department Faculty Meeting
4:00PM, Thu May 8 2014, 250 Math
Last Day of Classes
Friday, May 9, 2014
Reading Days
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Semester Final Examinations
Monday, May 12, 2014
Commencement Weekend
Friday, May 16, 2014
Summer Session J Begins
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Summer Session J Ends
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Summer Session M Begins
Monday, July 7, 2014
Summer Session M Ends
Friday, August 15, 2014
Classes Begin
Monday, August 25, 2014
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Organizational meeting
4:00PM, Fri Aug 29 2014, Math 122
Labor Day (no classes)
Monday, September 1, 2014
Algebra Seminar
Joseph Hundley (University at Buffalo)
Eisenstein series and unitary representations
4:00PM, Mon Sep 8 2014, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Ken Davidson (University of Waterloo)
Semicrossed products by abelian semigroups
4:00PM, Wed Sep 10 2014, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Margaret Doig (Syracuse)
Finite surgeries - an application of Heegaard Floer homology to a traditional knot theory question
4:00PM, Fri Sep 12 2014, Math 122
Algebra Seminar
Antonio Lei (Universite Laval)
Integral Iwasawa theory of p-adic representations at non-ordinary primes.
4:00PM, Mon Sep 15 2014, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Terrence Bisson (Canisius)
Braid extended power operations
4:00PM, Fri Sep 19 2014, Math 122
Algebra Seminar
Dr. Chad Mangum (University at Buffalo)
Representations of Certain Twisted Toroidal Lie Algebras
4:00PM, Mon Sep 22 2014, Math 250
Applied Mathematics Seminar
Barbara Prinari (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs)
Mathematical models for the ward atmosphere in a medical unit
4:00PM, Thu Sep 25 2014, Math 250
UB Colloquium
Xuhua He (University of Maryland)
Minimal length elements: some interaction between combinatorics, representation theory, and arithmetic geometry
4:00PM, Mon Sep 29 2014, Math 250
Eisenstein series and unitary representations
Date: Monday, Oct 6
4:00PM, Mon Oct 6 2014, Math 250
Algebra Seminar
Michael Rosas (University at Buffalo)
On the Loewy lengths of Specht modules in the principal block of F�3p
4:00PM, Mon Oct 13 2014, Math 250
Algebra Seminar
Michael Vaiana (University at Buffalo)
A Modern Approach to Exterior Powers of Irreducible CS_n-modules
4:00PM, Mon Oct 13 2014, Math 250
Algebra Seminar
Moshe Adrian (University of Toronto)
On the local converse problem for GL(n,F)
4:00PM, Mon Oct 20 2014, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Andy Wand (Univ. of Nantes)
Tightness and Legendrian surgery
4:00PM, Fri Oct 24 2014, Math 122
Algebra Seminar
Yiqiang Li (University at Buffalo)
Transfer maps for quantum Schur algebras of classical type
4:00PM, Mon Oct 27 2014, Math 250
Applied Mathematics Seminar
Wai-Sun Don (Brown University)
Single Domain Hybrid Fourier Continuation Method and Weighted Essentially Non-oscillatory Finite Difference Scheme for Conservation Law
4:00PM, Tue Oct 28 2014, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Jingbo Xia (University at Buffalo)
On the membership of Hankel operators in a class of Lorentz ideals
4:00PM, Wed Oct 29 2014, Math 250
Speaker: Dubravka Ban, Southern Illinois University Carbdondale
4:00PM, Mon Nov 3 2014, Math 250
UB Math Club- David Hemmer (UB)
Permanents, Determinants and an Introduction to Representation Theory
5:15PM, Tue Nov 4 2014, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Ron Ji (IUPUI)
Polynomially bounded cohomology and applications
4:00PM, Wed Nov 5 2014, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Tarik Aougab (Yale)
Filling pairs with many curves intersecting their union a small number of times
4:00PM, Fri Nov 7 2014, Math 122
Analysis Seminar
Adam Orenstein (SUNY at Buffalo)
Symmetric norming functions and Symmetrically normed ideals
4:00PM, Wed Nov 12 2014, Math 250
Colloquium: Job Candidate
4:00PM, Thu Nov 13 2014, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Johanna Mangahas (Buffalo)
Convex cocompact subgroups of right-angled Artin groups
4:00PM, Fri Nov 14 2014, Math 122
Algebra Seminar -- Marcelo Aguiar
Marcelo Aquiar, Cornell
4:00PM, Mon Nov 17 2014, Math 250
Colloquium: Job Candidate
4:00PM, Thu Nov 20 2014
Colloquium: Job Candidate
4:00PM, Mon Nov 24 2014
Colloquium: Job Candidate
11:00AM, Tue Nov 25 2014, Math 250
Algebra Seminar
Yorck Sommerhäuser (University at Buffalo)
A Triviality Theorem for Yetter-Drinfel'd Hopf Algebras I
4:00PM, Tue Nov 25 2014, Math 250
Start of Fall Recess
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Classes Resume
Monday, December 1, 2014
A triviality theorem for Yetter-Drinfel'd Hopf algebras II
Speaker: Yorck Sommerhäuser, UB
4:00PM, Mon Dec 1 2014
Colloquium: CDSE Job Candidate
10:00AM, Tue Dec 2 2014, Math 250
Colloquium: CDSE Job Candidate
11:00AM, Wed Dec 3 2014, Math 250
Last Day of Classes
Friday, December 5, 2014
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Nathan Broaddus (Ohio State)
Finite rigid sets and homological non-triviality in the curve complex
4:00PM, Fri Dec 5 2014, Math 122
Start of Final Exams
Monday, December 8, 2014
Colloquium: Job Candidate
4:00PM, Mon Dec 8 2014, Math 250
Colloquium: Job Candidate
4:00PM, Tue Dec 9 2014, Math 250
Colloquium: CDSE Job Candidate
10:00AM, Thu Dec 11 2014
Colloquium: CDSE Job Candidate
10:00AM, Fri Dec 12 2014
Last Day of Final Exams
Monday, December 15, 2014
Colloquium: CDSE Job Candidate
10:00AM, Mon Dec 15 2014, Math 250
Myhill Lecture Series 2013-14
Professor Percy Deift from Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences presented the Myhill Lecture Series for 2013-14. This 3-part lecture series was held Oct 15 - Oct 17, and included a reception in honor of Professor Deift immediately following the first lecture. See the Mathematics Department Calendar for more information. [October 2013]
Shuen Yuan has passed away
Professor Emeritus Shuen Yuan has died at the age of 77 in his home in Williamsville. Professor Yuan earned his B.A. from National Taiwan University in 1958 and his Ph.D. from Northwestern University in 1964. He was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton from 1964-66, an Assistant Professor at Case Institute for 1966-67, then joined our department in 1967 as an Associate Professor. He was a member of the department faculty for 47 years, becoming Professor in 1974 and retiring in January of 2011. Professor Yuan's research was in algebra, particularly commutative rings and algebras, and he supervised the dissertation of three Ph.D. graduates. [November 2013]
Professor Xiaoqing Li Receives Morningside Silver Medal at ICCM
On July 14, 2013, Xiaoqing Li, associate professor of mathematics at UB, received a Morningside Silver Medal at the opening ceremony of the Sixth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM) in Taipei. The ICCM is a triennial event that brings together Chinese and overseas mathematicians to discuss the latest research developments in both pure and applied mathematics.
The Morningside Medal is the most prestigious award for young Chinese mathematicians. It is awarded to exceptional mathematicians of Chinese descent under the age of forty-five for their seminal achievements in mathematics and applied mathematics. Each Morningside Medalist receives a certificate, a medal, and cash award of US$25,000 for a gold medal, or US$10,000 for a silver medal. Li delivered a 45 minute invited address at the Congress in the "Number Theory, Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic Geometry" section.
The 2013 Morningside winners are:
Morningside Gold Medal: Xuhua He (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Ye Tian (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Xianfeng David Gu (State University of New York at Stonybrook).
Morningside Silver Medal: Chieh-Yu Chang (National Tsing Hua University), Xiaoqing Li (State University of New York at Buffalo), Hao Xu (Harvard University), Tai-Peng Tsai (University of British Columbia). [August 2013]
Jim Reineck has passed away
It is with great sadness that we report that our friend and colleague Prof. James F. Reineck passed away at his home on Saturday, April 13, 2013 after a long illness. Jim came to UB in 1987 as an Assistant Professor, was promoted to Associate Professor in 1991 and to Professor in 2002. He served as our Director of Graduate Studies from 1999-2004. He had four doctoral students graduate under his supervision. Those wishing to send condolences to Jim's family, which includes his wife Hilde and daughters Sonja and Maria, may do so by way of the UB Mathematics Department (244 Math Bldg, Buffalo, NY 14260). [April 2013]
Congratulations to Graduates and Award Winners
The Mathematics Department congratulates all of our graduating seniors. We also congratulate the following award winners: Bud Rozwood and Jiechen Chen (2013 Gehman Scholarship); Sean Bearden, Victoria Klemann, Hyunwoo Na, and Maya Malaviya (2013-14 Hazel and John Wilson Undergraduate Mathematics Scholarship); and Matthew Schmidt (2013 Oustanding Senior). [May 2013]
Jim Javor wins Excellence in Teaching Award
We are delighted to report that Prof. Jim Javor is the winner of a 2012 Milton Plesur Award for Excellence in Teaching. The Undergraduate Student Association sponsors this award, given to outstanding professors and nominated by the students who have benefited from their extraordinary efforts to enlighten and educate. Prof. Javor is now a two-time Milton Plesur Award winner, having also received this recognition of his outstanding teaching in 2004. [April 2013]
Michael Rosas Wins Graduate School Teaching Award
Congratulations to our graduate student Michael Rosas who was recently announced as a winner of the University at Buffalo 2012-2013 Graduate School Excellence in Teaching Award. Michael will receive his award at the UB Celebration of Student Excellence on April 12, 2013. [April 2013]
2013 Myhill Lectures by Professor Peter Sarnak
Professor Peter Sarnak from Princeton University presented the Myhill Lecture Series for 2013. This 3-part lecture series was held Mar 20 - Mar 22, and included a reception in honor of Professor Sarnak immediately following the first lecture. See the Mathematics Department Calendar for more information. [March 2013]
URGE to Compute Program for Undergraduate Research
URGE to Compute provides apprenticeships worth $10,000 to each of 12 students annually to conduct research of a computational nature in mathematics and the mathematical sciences. URGE stands for Undergraduate Research Group Experiences, and it is the implementation in Buffalo of the National Science Foundation's CSUMS program. It is a collaboration of the UB and Buffalo State Mathematics Departments, the UB Physics Department, the UB Center for Computational Research, and the Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute. Students accepted to the program will conduct a year-long program of research, closely mentored by faculty, and engage in many activities that support the research and their intellectual and personal development. Please visit the URGE to Compute website for more information. [October 2013]
Spring Semester begins
Monday, January 14, 2013
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, no classes
Monday, January 21, 2013
Junior Algebra Seminar: David Hemmer
We will be going through the classic book "Young Tableaux" by William Fulton.
4:00PM, Mon Jan 28 2013, 122 Math
Junior Algebra Seminar: David Hemmer
4:00PM, Mon Feb 4 2013, Room 122
Geometry/Topology seminars: Bill Menasco
Title:The Kawamuro Cone and the Jones' Conjecture.
4:00PM, Fri Feb 8 2013, Math 122
Junior Algebra Seminar: Michael Rosas
Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence
4:00PM, Mon Feb 11 2013, 122 Math
Analysis Seminar: Lewis Coburn, SUNY at Buffalo
Heat Flow and Uniform Continuity
4:00PM, Wed Feb 13 2013, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar: Pierre Py (University de Strasbourg)
"An exotic deformation of the hyperbolic space."
4:00PM, Fri Feb 15 2013, Math 122
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Tracy Stepien (University of Pittsburgh)
Collective cell migration in single and multi-layer aggregates
4:00PM, Tue Feb 19 2013, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar: Peter Horn (Syracuse University)
"Topologically slice knots, bipolarity, and the Alexander polynomial".
4:00PM, Fri Feb 22 2013, Math 122
Geometry/Topology Seminar: Andrew Putman
Rice University
Stability in the homology of congruence subgroups
4:00PM, Mon Feb 25 2013, Math Building Room 122
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Sara Metcalf, University at Buffalo
Agent-Based System Dynamics: Hybrid Models of Urban Health
4:00PM, Tue Feb 26 2013, Math 250
Junior Algebra Seminar: Michael Vaiana
Littlewood-Richardson Rule
4:00PM, Mon Mar 4 2013, 122 Math
Dissertation Defense: Huichi Huang
Compact Quantum Group Actions on Unital C*-algebras
4:00PM, Tue Mar 5 2013, Math 250
Math Club: Mohan Ramachandran (University at Buffalo)
In 1798, there appeared in the "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society" a paper by James Wood, purporting to prove the fundamental theorem of algebra, to the effect that every non-constant polynomial with real coefficients has at least one real or complex zero. Since the first generally accepted proof of this result was given by Gauss in 1799, Wood's proof deserves careful examination.
4:00PM, Thu Mar 7 2013, Math 250
UB Geometry/Topology Seminar: Prof. Nathan Broaddus (Ohio State)
Homology of the curve complex and the Steinberg module of the mapping class group
4:00PM, Fri Mar 8 2013, Math 122
Spring Recess begins
Monday, March 11, 2013
Classes resume
Monday, March 18, 2013
Junior Algebra Seminar: David Hemmer
Representation theory and symmetric functions.
8:00AM, Mon Mar 18 2013, 122 Math
Applied Mathematics Seminar: moved to April 16 (Abani Patra)
4:00PM, Tue Mar 19 2013
Myhill Lecture: Peter Sarnak, Princeton University
4:00PM, Wed Mar 20 2013, Room 250
Myhill Lecture: Peter Sarnak, Princeton University
Mobius Randomness and horocycle flows at prime times:
4:00PM, Wed Mar 20 2013, Room 250
Myhill Lecture: Peter Sarnak, Princeton University
Thin Matrix Groups and Diophantine Analysis
4:00PM, Thu Mar 21 2013, Room 250
Myhill Lecture: Peter Sarnak, Princeton University
Nodal Lines of Maass forms and critical percolation
4:00PM, Fri Mar 22 2013, Room 250
Algebra Seminar: Adam Sikora (University at Buffalo)
On representations of abstracts groups into Lie groups.
4:00PM, Mon Mar 25 2013, Math 122
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Thomas Trogdon (University at Washington)
title: A numerical Riemann--Hilbert approach for the Korteweg--de Vries equation
4:00PM, Tue Apr 9 2013, Math 250
UB Geometry/Topology Seminar: Professor Thang Le (Georgia Institute of Technology)
On the growth of torsions and regulators in finite abelian coverings
4:00PM, Fri Apr 12 2013, Math 122
Junior Algebra Seminar: Yin Su
4:00PM, Mon Apr 15 2013, Math 122
Applied Mathematics Seminar
Abani Patra (UB Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
Computational Modeling of Hazardous Mass Flows and Use in Risk Assessment
4:00PM, Tue Apr 16 2013, Math 250
Analysis seminar: Jingbo Xia, SUNY at Buffalo
A Local Inequality for Hankel Operators and its Application
4:00PM, Wed Apr 17 2013, Math 250
Max Bileschi (SUNY at Buffalo)
An exposition on new results in circuit lower bounds
4:00PM, Fri Apr 19 2013, Davis 203
Junior Algebra Seminar: Yin Su
Representation Theory of Symmetric Groups II
4:00PM, Mon Apr 22 2013, 122 Math
Analysis seminar: Mira Peterka, University of Kansas
Finitely-generated Projective Modules and Gauge Theory over Theta-deformed Spheres
4:00PM, Wed Apr 24 2013, Math 250
Last Day of classes!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Exams begin
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Johanna Mangahas, Brown University
A "list-and-check" algorithm for Nielsen-Thurston classification
4:00PM, Fri May 3 2013, 122 Math
Exams end
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Commencement Weekend
Friday, May 10, 2013
Summer Session I (J) Begins
Monday, May 20, 2013
10 Week Sessions (A) Begin
Monday, May 20, 2013
9 Week Sessions (L) Begin
Monday, May 20, 2013
12 Week Sessions (I) Begin
Monday, May 20, 2013
Memorial Day Holiday Observed
Monday, May 27, 2013
Summer Session II (K) Begins
Monday, June 24, 2013
Summer Session I (J) Ends
Friday, June 28, 2013
Summer Session III (M) Begins
Monday, July 1, 2013
Independence Day Holiday Observed
Thursday, July 4, 2013
9 Week Sessions (L) End
Friday, July 19, 2013
10 Week Sessions (A) End
Friday, July 26, 2013
Summer Session II (K) Ends
Friday, August 2, 2013
Summer Session III (M) Ends
Friday, August 9, 2013
12 Week Sessions (I) Ends
Friday, August 9, 2013
Classes Begin
Monday, August 26, 2013
G&T Seminar organizational meeting
4:00PM, Fri Aug 30 2013, Math 122
Labor Day Observed
Monday, September 2, 2013
Rosh Hashanah (Classes Cancelled after 6:00 pm)
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Classes Resume at 6:00 pm
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Algebra Seminar
Yorck Sommerhäuser (University at Buffalo)
Cauchy's theorem for Hopf algebras
4:00PM, Mon Sep 9 2013, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Josh Isralowitz (SUNY at Albany)
Compactness of operators on Bergman and Fock spaces.
4:00PM, Wed Sep 11 2013, Math 250
Yom Kippur (Classes cancelled after 6:00 pm)
Friday, September 13, 2013
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Cagatay Kutluhan (Buffalo)
The Seiberg-Witten equations, holonomy filtration, and knots
4:00PM, Fri Sep 13 2013
Classes Resume at 6:00 pm
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Cagatay Kutluhan (Buffalo)
The Seiberg-Witten equations, holonomy filtration, and knots (Continued)
4:00PM, Fri Sep 20 2013
Algebra seminar-- A geometric construction of quantum osp(1/2)
Speaker: Yiqiang Li
4:00PM, Mon Sep 23 2013, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Tim Austin (Courant Institute)
Partial difference equations over compact Abelian groups.
4:00PM, Wed Sep 25 2013, Math 250
John Friedlander (University of Toronto)
The Spin of Prime Ideals
4:00PM, Thu Sep 26 2013, Math 250
Algebra Seminar
Zhaobing Fan (University at Buffalo)
A unification of Lusztig's modified quantum algebras and their analogues.
4:00PM, Mon Sep 30 2013, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Yunping Jiang (CUNY at Queens College & Graduate Center)
Symmetric Invariant Measures and Symmetric Rigidity
4:00PM, Wed Oct 2 2013, Math 250
Invitation to Research Colloquium- Bernard Badzioch
Torsion invariants of topological spaces
4:00PM, Thu Oct 3 2013, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Hyungryul Baik (Cornell)
Laminations on the circle and hyperbolic geometry
4:00PM, Fri Oct 4 2013, Math 122
Algebra Seminar
Bin Xu (University of Toronto)
Arthur packet through the trace formula
4:00PM, Mon Oct 7 2013, Math 250
Myhill Lectures: Percy Deift (Courant)
Toeplitz matrices and determinants under the impetus of the Ising model I.
4:00PM, Tue Oct 15 2013, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Djordje Milicevic (Bryn Mawr College)
Sub-Weyl subconvexity and short p-adic exponential sums
3:00PM, Wed Oct 16 2013, Math 150
Myhill Lectures: Percy Deift (Courant)
Toeplitz matrices and determinants under the impetus of the Ising model II.
4:00PM, Wed Oct 16 2013, Math 250
Myhill Lectures: Percy Deift (Courant)
Computing the eigenvalues of a random symmetric matrix: Universality properties.
4:00PM, Thu Oct 17 2013, Math 250
Algebra seminar
Yorck Sommerhauser (UB)
Introduction to Yetter-Drinfel'd Hopf Algebras I
4:00PM, Mon Oct 21 2013, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Bingbing Liang (SUNY at Buffalo)
Mean Dimension and von Neumann-Lueck Rank
4:00PM, Wed Oct 23 2013, Math 250
Tenured faculty meeting
4:00PM, Thu Oct 24 2013
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Watchareepan Atiponrat (Buffalo)
Title : Rectangular diagrams and Legendrian links
4:00PM, Fri Oct 25 2013, Math 122
Algebra Seminar
Wei Ho (Columbia University)
Average sizes of Selmer groups for elliptic curves in families.
4:00PM, Mon Oct 28 2013, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Yichao Zhang (University of Connecticut)
Vector-Valued and Scalar-Valued Modular Forms
4:00PM, Wed Oct 30 2013, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Steven Sivek (Princeton)
Naturality and contact invariants in sutured monopole homology
4:00PM, Fri Nov 1 2013
Algebra Seminar Yorck Sommerhauser (UB)
Introduction to Yetter-Drinfel'd Hopf Algebras II
4:00PM, Mon Nov 4 2013, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Jaehyun Cho (SUNY at Buffalo)
Low-lying zeros of Artin L-functions
4:00PM, Wed Nov 6 2013, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Ki Hyoung Ko (KAIST)
When does a graph braid of index 4 or higher become a right-angled Artin group?
4:00PM, Fri Nov 8 2013, Math 122
Algebra Seminar- Yorck Sommerhauser (University at Buffalo)
4:00PM, Mon Nov 11 2013, 250 Math
Analysis Seminar
Yoonbok Lee (Rochester University)
Zero-density estimates of L-functions
4:00PM, Wed Nov 13 2013, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Adam Zarr (Buffalo)
3:00PM, Fri Nov 15 2013
Colloquium: Job Candidate
4:00PM, Fri Nov 15 2013, Math 250
Algebra Seminar Huanchen Bao (University of Virginia)
Schur duality and Kazhdan-Lusztig theory
4:00PM, Mon Nov 18 2013, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Liam Watson (Glasgow/ICERM)
Khovanov homology and the symmetry group of a knot
3:00PM, Fri Nov 22 2013
Colloquium: Job Candidate
4:00PM, Fri Nov 22 2013, Math 250
Colloquium: Job Candidate
4:00PM, Mon Nov 25 2013, Math 250
UB Colloquium
Robert Kleinberg (Cornell University)
Group-Theoretic Algorithms for Fast Matrix Multiplication
4:00PM, Tue Nov 26 2013, Math 250
Fall Recess
6:00AM, Wed Nov 27 2013
Classes Resume
Monday, December 2, 2013
Colloquium: Job Candidate
4:00PM, Mon Dec 2 2013, Math 250
Colloquium: Job Candidate
4:00PM, Wed Dec 4 2013
UB Colloquium
Bjorn Sandstede (Brown University)
Localized patterns near onset
4:00PM, Thu Dec 5 2013, Math 250
Last Day of Classes
Friday, December 6, 2013
Reading Days
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Semester Final Examinations
Monday, December 9, 2013
Colloquium: CDSE Job candidate
3:00PM, Mon Dec 9 2013, 250 Math
Colloquium :CDSE Job candidate
4:00PM, Tue Dec 10 2013
Colloquium: CDSE Job Candidate
4:00PM, Wed Dec 11 2013, Math 250
Geometry & Topology Seminar
Eli Grigsby (Boston College)
Khovanov homology and trivial braid detection
4:00PM, Fri Dec 13 2013
Colloquium: CDSE Job candidate
4:00PM, Mon Dec 16 2013
Winter Recess Begins
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Congratulations to Emeritus Professor F. William Lawvere on being named a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society. Professor Lawvere is a member of the highly-distinguished inaugural class of Fellows. A full listing of AMS Fellows is at [November 2012]
The Mathematics Department congratulates all of our graduating seniors. We also congratulate the following award winners: James Kotary (2012 Gehman Scholarship), David Trabucco (2012-13 Hazel and John Wilson Undergraduate Mathematics Scholarship), and John Susice (2012 Oustanding Senior and Harriet F. Montague Award).
Professor Mladen Bestvina from the University of Utah presented the Myhill Lecture Series for 2012. This 3-part lecture series was held Tue Apr 17 - Thu Apr 19, and included a reception in honor of Professor Besvina immediately following the first lecture. See the Mathematics Department Calendar for more information.
Congratulations to Alyssa Brown, graduate student in Mathematics, who will be receiving an Honorable Mention in this year's Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Awards competition. The Graduate School and the Graduate Student Association established the Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Awards Program to publicly recognize those graduate students who have demonstrated exceptional performance in the execution of their teaching responsibilities.
Please join us in congratulating Professor John Ringland who is this year's winner of the 2012 Clarence F. Stephens Distinguished Teaching Award from the Mathematical Society of America Seaway Section. In 1991, the Board of Governors of the MAA established the Section Awards for distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics to recognize teachers of Mathematics at the post-secondary level who have been widely recognized as extraordinarily successful. Their teaching effectiveness must be documented and must have had influence beyond their own institutions. As sectional winner, Professor Ringland will be automatically nominated for the national MAA Haimo Award. Congratulations!
The department welcomes its new Chair, David Hemmer. Professor Hemmer is taking over from Brian Hassard, who served two three-year terms as Chair. At the same time, Bernard Badzioch will take over the duties of Director of Undergraduate Studies, replacing David Hemmer who served in that position for three years. The department particularly thanks Brian Hassard for his 6 years of dedicated service to the department in capacity of Chair, and extends its gratitude to Professors Hemmer, Faran, Biondini and Badzioch who will be serving the department in administrative roles.
Two Math Dept faculty members have recently had books published. Prof. Jonathan Dimock's is "Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory: A Mathematical Primer", published by Cambridge University Press. Prof. Mohan Ramachandran's is "An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces", published by Birkhauser.
URGE to Compute provides apprenticeships worth $10,000 to each of 12 students annually to conduct research of a computational nature in mathematics and the mathematical sciences. URGE stands for Undergraduate Research Group Experiences, and it is the implementation in Buffalo of the National Science Foundation's CSUMS program. It is a collaboration of the UB and Buffalo State Mathematics Departments, the UB Physics Department, the UB Center for Computational Research, and the Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute. Students accepted to the program will conduct a year-long program of research, closely mentored by faculty, and engage in many activities that support the research and their intellectual and personal development. Please visit the URGE to Compute website for more information.
Martin Luther King Day Observed
Monday, January 16, 2012
Classes Begin
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Algebra Seminar
Paul Samuelson (Cornell)
Double affine Hecke algebras and skein modules
4:00PM, Thu Jan 19 2012, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Milena Pabiniak (Cornell University)
Lower bounds for Gromov width in the unitary and special orthogonal coadjoint orbits.
4:00PM, Fri Jan 20 2012, Math 122
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Sang-hyun Kim (KAIST)
Inclusions Between Right-angled Artin Groups
4:00PM, Wed Jan 25 2012, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Hanfeng Li (SUNY at Buffalo)
Entropy and L2-torsion, Part I
4:00PM, Wed Feb 1 2012, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Hanfeng Li (SUNY at Buffalo)
Entropy and L2-torsion, Part II
4:00PM, Wed Feb 8 2012, Math 250
Colloquium Seminar
Craig Dodge (SUNY Buffalo)
New Results on the Structure of Specht Modules for the Symmetric Group
4:00PM, Mon Feb 13 2012, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Laurent Siebenmann (Université de PARIS-SUD)
The famous Poincare Conjecture(s) PC-n viewed from dimension n=2
4:00PM, Mon Feb 20 2012, 122 Math
Analysis Seminar: Invariant subspaces for certain finite-rank perturbations of diagonal operators. Speaker: Jingo Xia
4:00PM, Wed Feb 22 2012, Room 250
Applied Math Seminar
Emmanuel Lorin (Carleton University)
Nonlinear Optics: Modeling, Analysis& Simulation in Some Extreme Regimes
4:00PM, Wed Feb 22 2012, Math 122
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Jason DeBlois (University of Pittsburgh)
Tessellations of hyperbolic surfaces
4:00PM, Fri Feb 24 2012, 122 Math
Analysis Seminar- Huichi Huang (SUNY Buffalo)
Faithful compact quantum group actions on connected compact metrizable spaces
4:00PM, Wed Feb 29 2012, Room 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar
William Menasco (SUNY Buffalo)
The Dehornoy floor and the Markov Theorem without Stabilization
4:00PM, Fri Mar 2 2012, Math 122
Analysis Seminar: Anthony Weston (Canisius College)
4:00PM, Wed Mar 7 2012, Room 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Dror Bar-Natan (University of Toronto)
Meta-Groups, Meta-Bicrossed-Products, and the Alexander Polynomial
4:00PM, Fri Mar 9 2012, 122 Math
Spring Recess
Monday, March 12, 2012
Dissertation Defense, Phu N. Chung
Homoclinic Groups, Expansive Algebraic Actions, and Actions of Sofic Groups.
4:00PM, Mon Mar 19 2012, Room 250
Colloquium Talk: Vitaly Bergelson (Ohio State University)
Uniform distribution, generalized polynomials and dynamical systems
4:00PM, Thu Mar 29 2012, 250 Math
Dissertation Defense, Alyssa Brown
Cubic Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions.
4:00PM, Mon Apr 2 2012, Room 250
Dissertation Defense, Craig Dodge
Modular Representations of the Symmetric Group: Structure of Specht Modules.
4:00PM, Fri Apr 6 2012, Room 250
Grady Wright (Boise State University)
4:00PM, Tue Apr 10 2012, Rm 250
Analysis Seminar, Wenming Wu, Chongqing Normal University
Uncertainty principles for infinite abelian groups
4:00PM, Wed Apr 11 2012, Rm 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Ian Biringer (Yale)
Random samplings of locally symmetric spaces
4:00PM, Fri Apr 13 2012, Math 122
Dissertation Defense, Debananda Chakraborty
Title is: Spectral and Weno Methods for Hyperbolic PDEs with Singular Source Term.
4:00PM, Mon Apr 16 2012, Room 250
Myhill Lecture Series
Mladen Bestvina (University of Utah)
Topology of Numbers
4:00PM, Tue Apr 17 2012, 250 Math
Myhill Lecture Series
Mladen Bestvina (University of Utah)
Topology and geometry of Out (F_n)
4:00PM, Wed Apr 18 2012, 250 Math
Myhill Lecture Series
Mladen Bestvina (University of Utah)
Topology and geometry of Out (F_n)
11:00AM, Thu Apr 19 2012, 250 Math
date TBA) Dissertation Defense, Garry Halliwell
postponed to Fri 5/4/12
3:30PM, Fri Apr 20 2012
Analysis Seminar
Ben Steinhurst, Department of Mathematics, Cornell University
Spectral Analysis and Dirichlet forms on Barlow-Evans Fractals
4:00PM, Wed Apr 25 2012, Math 250
Dissertation Defense, Xinjuan Chen
The Inverse Reconstruction of Basis and Frames.
12:00PM, Thu Apr 26 2012, Room 122
Mathematics Colloquium
Jesse Peterson, Vanderbilt University
4:00PM, Thu Apr 26 2012, Math 250
Last Day of Classes
Monday, April 30, 2012
First Day of Final Exams
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Last Day of Final Exams
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Commencement Weekend
Friday, May 11, 2012
Summer Session I (J) begins
Monday, May 21, 2012
Memorial Day (No classes)
Monday, May 28, 2012
Summer Session I (J) ends
Friday, June 29, 2012
Summer Session III (M) begins
Monday, July 2, 2012
Independence Day (No classes)
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Summer Session III (M) ends
Friday, August 10, 2012
Fall Semester Begins
Monday, August 27, 2012
Labor Day (No classes)
Monday, September 3, 2012
Analysis Seminar: Yunhua Zhou (Chongqing University)
Quasi-Shadowing property for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
4:00PM, Wed Sep 5 2012, 250 Math Bldg
Geometry/Topology Seminar: Owen Baker (McMaster)
Cannon-Thurston Maps
4:00PM, Fri Sep 7 2012, Math 122
Yiqiang Li
Beyond Springer correspondence of type A.
4:00PM, Mon Sep 10 2012, Room 250 Math Building
Analysis Seminar: Nikolai Vailevski (CINVESTAV, Mexico City)
Two-dimensional singular integral operators via poly-Bergman spaces,
4:00PM, Wed Sep 12 2012, 250 Mathematics Bldg
Geometry/Topology Seminar: Mohan Ramachandran (University at Buffalo)
On Shafarevich's Conjecture
4:00PM, Fri Sep 14 2012, Math 250
Rosh Hashanah (classes cancelled from 6pm Sun 9/16
6pm Mon 9/17)
6:00PM, Sun Sep 16 2012
Colloquium: Klaus Schmidt (University of Vienna and Erwin Schrödinger Institute)
Sandpiles and the Harmonic Model
4:00PM, Thu Sep 20 2012, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar: Jason Manning (UB)
TITLE: The virtual Haken conjecture, I
4:00PM, Fri Sep 21 2012, Math 122
Analysis Seminar: Piotr Hajac (Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Warsaw University)
The K-theory of Heegaard quantum lens spaces
4:00PM, Tue Sep 25 2012, Math 250
Yom Kippur (classes cancelled 6pm Tue 9/25
6pm Wed 9/26)
6:00PM, Tue Sep 25 2012
Geometry/Topology Seminar: Moon Duchin (Tufts)
4:00PM, Fri Sep 28 2012, Math 122
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Tony Mastroberardino (Penn State Erie)
On the limitations of Kummer's function in heat transfer problems
4:00PM, Tue Oct 2 2012, Math 250
Analysis Seminar: Jingbo Xia (SUNY at Buffalo)
Localization and Berezin Transform on the Fock space
4:00PM, Wed Oct 3 2012, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar: Mohan Ramachandran
On fundamental groups of complete Kaehler manifolds
4:00PM, Fri Oct 5 2012, Math 122
Algebra Seminar: Stephen Doty (Loyola University Chicago)
TITLE: Generalized q-Schur algebras
4:00PM, Mon Oct 8 2012, Math 250
Analysis Seminar: Xin Li (University of Munster)
Semigroup C*-algebras and their K-theory
4:00PM, Wed Oct 10 2012, Math 250
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Sung Ha Kang (Georgia Tech)
Mathematical approaches to Image Colorization and Segmentation.
4:00PM, Mon Oct 15 2012, Math 150
Algebra Seminar: Dr. Zhaobing Fan (University at Buffalo)
Mixed perverse sheaves and two-parameter quantum groups
4:00PM, Mon Oct 15 2012, Math 250
Analysis Seminar: Sheng-Chi Liu (Texas A&M University)
Subconvexity and equidistribution of Heegner points in the level aspect
4:00PM, Wed Oct 17 2012, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar: Jason Manning (UB)
The virtual Haken conjecture, II
4:00PM, Fri Oct 19 2012, Math 122
Algebra Seminar: Han Li (Yale University)
Effective Discreteness of the 3-dimensional Markov Spectrum
4:00PM, Mon Oct 22 2012, Math 250
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Ling Bian (UB)
A Social Network Model to Simulate Transmission of Communicable Diseases
4:00PM, Tue Oct 23 2012, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar: Kathryn Mann, University of Chicago
The group structure of diffeomorphism groups
4:00PM, Fri Oct 26 2012, Math 122
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Puneet Singla (UB)
Uncertainty Propagation for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
4:00PM, Tue Oct 30 2012, Math 250
Analysis Seminar: Steve Lester (University of Rochester)
The distribution of values of the Riemann zeta-function
4:00PM, Wed Oct 31 2012, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar: William Menasco (UB)
The curve complex has dead ends
4:00PM, Fri Nov 2 2012, Math 122
URGE Special Seminar: Robert Harrison (Stony Brook University)
Seeking a sustainable model for scientific simulation
4:00PM, Mon Nov 5 2012, Math 250
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Austin Anuta-Darling (UB)
Chaotic Dynamics in a Model of Traveling-Wave Electrophoresis
4:00PM, Tue Nov 13 2012, Math 250
Analysis seminar: Huichi Huang (SUNY at Buffalo)
Invariant subsets under compact quantum group actions
4:00PM, Wed Nov 14 2012, Math 250
Fall Recess begins
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Classes Resume
Monday, November 26, 2012
Algebra Seminar: Qi You (Columbia University)
Categorification of small quantum groups
3:00PM, Mon Nov 26 2012, Math 250
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Rescheduled for Feb 26, 2013 (Sara Metcalf, UB)
4:00PM, Tue Nov 27 2012
Analysis Seminar: Peter Cho (Fields Institute)
Logarithmic derivatives of Artin L-functions at s=1
4:00PM, Wed Nov 28 2012, Math 250
Last Day of Classes
Friday, December 7, 2012
Fall Semester Exams begin
Monday, December 10, 2012
Last Day of final exams
Monday, December 17, 2012
Winter Recess begins
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
The winner of AMMCS 2011 Best Poster Competition is the poster "Numerical Analysis of Time-Dynamic Multi-phase Flow in Volcanic Conduits" by Alyssa Cederman, Anthony Grisafi, Eric Mikida, E Bruce Pitman, Jude Sabato, (UB and Buffalo State College) See Laurier Centennial Conference: AMMCS-2011, URGE to Compute at AMMCS-2011
Professor Bruce Pitman, a noted researcher and professor in the Department of Mathematics and associate dean for research and sponsored programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, has been named dean of the college, effective July 1. Read the full story in the UB Reporter.
Professor John Ringland was awarded the UB Faculty Award for Excellence in Mentoring at the Celebration of Student Academic Excellence on April 6, 2011.
Congratulations to Craig Dodge, graduate student in Mathematics, who will be receiving a 2010-2011 Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award. The Graduate School and the Graduate Student Association established the Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Awards Program to publicly recognize those graduate students who have demonstrated exceptional performance in the execution of their teaching responsibilities. The principal selection criteria include outstanding teaching competence, effective mentorship of students, and the maintenance of high academic standards and expectations of student performance.
Let's all congratulate Xiaoqing on her selection as a 2011 Alfred Sloan Research Fellow. This is wonderful for her and an honor for our Department. Thank you, Xiaoqing, and best wishes for continuing success!!
URGE to Compute provides apprenticeships worth $10,000 to each of 12 students annually to conduct research of a computational nature in mathematics and the mathematical sciences. URGE stands for Undergraduate Research Group Experiences, and it is the implementation in Buffalo of the National Science Foundation's CSUMS program. It is a collaboration of the UB and Buffalo State Mathematics Departments, the UB Physics Department, the UB Center for Computational Research, and the Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute. Students accepted to the program will conduct a year-long program of research, closely mentored by faculty, and engage in many activities that support the research and their intellectual and personal development.
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Mark Hagen (McGill University)
Contact graphs of CAT(0) cube complexes
4:00PM, Fri Jan 21 2011
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Sinem Onaran (University of Waterloo)
Knots in Contact Structures and Open Book Decompositions
4:00PM, Fri Jan 28 2011
Faculty Meeting
4:00PM, Thu Feb 10 2011, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Guowei Zhao (UB)
Dipole-Dipole Correlation of sine-Gordon Model
4:00PM, Thu Feb 17 2011, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Jingbo Xia (UB)
4:00PM, Wed Feb 23 2011, Math 250
Applied Math Seminar
Quan Nguyen (UB)
Pulse dynamics in a multichannel optical waveguide
4:00PM, Mon Feb 28 2011, Math 250, University at Buffalo
Analysis Seminar
Nhan-Phu Chung (UB)
4:00PM, Wed Mar 9 2011, Math 250
Yiqiang Li (Virginia Tech)
4:00PM, Thu Mar 10 2011
Boris Gershgorin (NYU)
4:00PM, Mon Mar 14 2011
Julien Paupert (U Fribourg)
4:00PM, Fri Mar 18 2011
David Hill (Stanford)
4:00PM, Thu Mar 24 2011, UB Math 250
Piotr Nowak (Texas A&M)
4:00PM, Fri Mar 25 2011, UB Math 250
Faculty Meeting
4:00PM, Thu Mar 31 2011, Math 250, University at Buffalo
Myhill Lectures
Benjamin Weiss (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Myhill Lectures
4:00PM, Tue Apr 5 2011, Math 250, University at Buffalo
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Will Cavendish (Princeton University)
Finite sheeted covering spaces of 3-manifolds and the cohomology of solenoids
4:00PM, Fri Apr 8 2011, Math 122, University at Buffalo
Applied Mathematics / URGE Seminar
Michael Miksis (Northwestern University)
Moving Boundary Problems Associated with Biopreservation by Desiccation
4:00PM, Tue Apr 12 2011, Math 250, University at Buffalo
Analysis Seminar
Debashish Goswami (Indian Statistical Institute)
An overview of quantum isometry groups
4:00PM, Wed Apr 13 2011, Math 250, University at Buffalo
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Jozef Prytycki (George Washington University)
4:00PM, Fri Apr 15 2011, 122 Math, University at Buffalo
Applied Math Seminar
Katie Liszewski (NCSU)
PDEs and $gl_{infty}$: an algebraic approach to an integrable problem
4:00PM, Mon Apr 18 2011, Math 250, University at Buffalo
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Owen Baker (Cornell University)
4:00PM, Fri Apr 22 2011
Kimball Martin (University of Oklahoma)
Spectral geometry for Riemann surfaces
4:00PM, Mon Apr 25 2011
Analysis Seminar
Kai Wang (Fudan University)
4:00PM, Wed Apr 27 2011
Joel Bellaiche (Brandeis University)
Title : Extensions of Galois representations.
4:00PM, Thu Apr 28 2011, Math Building 250
New York Conference on Applied Mathematics
More information on the conference can be found on the conference web site at:
Saturday, April 30, 2011, Dept of Mathematics, University at Buffalo
Algebra Seminar
Craig Dodge (SUNY @ Buffalo)
Large dimension homomorphism spaces between Specht modules for
4:00PM, Mon May 2 2011, Math Building 250
Algebra Seminar
Craig Dodge (SUNY Buffalo)
Large dimension homomorphism spaces between Specht modules for symmetric groups, Part II
4:00PM, Mon May 9 2011, Math 122
Classes Begin
Monday, August 29, 2011
Labor Day Observed
Monday, September 5, 2011
Matt Fayers (Queen Mary
University of London)
4:00PM, Tue Sep 6 2011, 250 Math
Algebra Seminar
Yiqiang Li (University at Buffalo)
Three different geometric constructions of the irreducible representations of GL(n, C)
4:00PM, Mon Sep 12 2011, 250 Math
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Jason Manning (University at Buffalo)
Recognizing 3-manifold groups
4:00PM, Fri Sep 16 2011, Math 250
Algebra Seminar
Yiqiang Li (University at Buffalo)
Three different geometric constructions of the irreducible representations of GL(n, C), II.
4:00PM, Mon Sep 19 2011, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Bernard Badzioch (University at Buffalo)
4:00PM, Fri Sep 23 2011, Math 250
Algebra Seminar
Yiqiang Li (University at Buffalo)
Three different geometric constructions of the irreducible representations of GL(n, C), III.
4:00PM, Mon Sep 26 2011, Math 250
Judith Roitman (University of Kansas)
Paracompact box products
4:00PM, Tue Sep 27 2011, Math 150
Rosh Hashanah (Classes cancelled after 6:00pm)
6:00PM, Wed Sep 28 2011
Rosh Hashana (Classes cancelled until 6:00pm)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Analysis Seminar
Phu Chung (University at Buffalo)
5:00PM, Wed Oct 5 2011, 250 Math
Yom Kippur (Classes cancelled after 6:00pm)
6:00PM, Fri Oct 7 2011
Yom Kippur (Classes cancelled until 6:00pm)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Algebra Seminar
David Hemmer (University at Buffalo)
An introduction to the representation stability of Church and Farb.
4:00PM, Wed Oct 12 2011, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Jason Manning (University at Buffalo)
Survey of some recent work of Wise and collaborators
4:00PM, Fri Oct 14 2011, Math 250
Algebra Seminar
David Hemmer (University at Buffalo)
An introduction to the representation stability of Church and Farb. (Part II)
4:00PM, Wed Oct 19 2011, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Xingru Zhang (Univeristy at Buffalo)
Exceptional Dehn fillings on hyperbolic knot manifolds
4:00PM, Fri Oct 21 2011, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Jason Manning (University at Buffalo)
Survey of some recent work of Wise and collaborators
4:00PM, Fri Oct 28 2011, 250 Math
Joint Analysis/Applied Math Seminar
Timur Akhunov (University of Calgary)
4:00PM, Wed Nov 2 2011, 250 Math
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Robert Young (University of Toronto)
Higher-order filling functions in solvable groups
4:00PM, Fri Nov 4 2011, Math 250
Analysis Seminar
Jingbo Xia (University at Buffalo)
Essential normality of polynomial-generated submodules: Hardy space and beyond
4:00PM, Wed Nov 9 2011, Math 250
Algebra Seminar
David Hemmer (University at Buffalo)
An introduction to the representation stability of Church and Farb. (Part III)
4:00PM, Wed Nov 9 2011, Math 150
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Ana Lecuona (Penn State)
Montesinos knots and the slice-ribbon conjecture
4:00PM, Fri Nov 11 2011, Math 122
Analysis Seminar
L.A. Coburn (University at Buffalo)
Berezin transform and Weyl-type unitary operators on the Bergman Space
4:00PM, Wed Nov 16 2011, Math 250
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Douglas LaFountain (Aarhus University)
Deligne-Mumford and the space of filtered screens
4:00PM, Fri Nov 18 2011, Math 122
Fall Recess
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Applied Math Seminar
Debananda Chakraborty (University at Buffalo)
A gPC method for finding critical values of the sine-Gordon
4:00PM, Wed Nov 30 2011, 250 Math
Geometry/Topology Seminar
Adam Sikora (University at Buffalo)
Character Varieties of surfaces as completely integrable systems
4:00PM, Fri Dec 2 2011, Math 122
Karen Vogtmann (Cornell)
Hairy graphs, automorphisms of free groups and modular forms
4:00PM, Thu Dec 8 2011, Math 250
Last Day of Classes
Friday, December 9, 2011
First Day of Final Exams
Monday, December 12, 2011
Last Day of Final Exams
Monday, December 19, 2011
Winter Recess Begins
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
13 undergraduate math majors in the 2009 cohort of the URGE to Compute program traveled to the AMS/MAA Joint Meetings in San Francisco, CA, January 14-17 2010, to give talks on their research results. The students were accompanied by their research mentors, Profs. John Ringland and Gino Biondini of the UB Math Department and Prof. Saziye Bayram of the Buffalo State College Math Department.
URGE to Compute provides apprenticeships worth $10,000 to each of 12 students annually to conduct research of a computational nature in mathematics and the mathematical sciences. URGE stands for Undergraduate Research Group Experiences, and it is the implementation in Buffalo of the National Science Foundation's CSUMS program. It is a collaboration of the UB and Buffalo State Mathematics Departments, the UB Physics Department, the UB Center for Computational Research, and the Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute. Students accepted to the program will conduct a year-long program of research, closely mentored by faculty, and engage in many activities that support the research and their intellectual and personal development.
Analysis Seminar
David Larson (Texas A&M University)
Operator-vlaued measures, dilations, and the theory of frames
4:00PM, Wed Nov 3 2010, Math 250, University at Buffalo
Adam Allan (University of Chicago)
Modular Centralizer Algebras Corresponding to p-Groups
4:00PM, Thu Nov 4 2010, Math 250, University at Buffalo
Analysis Seminar
Yonatan Gutman (Universite Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallee)
Minimal Actions of Homeo(ω*) on Hyperspaces of ω
4:00PM, Wed Nov 10 2010, Math 250, University at Buffalo
Panayotis Kevrekidis (U Mass Amherst)
Dark Solitons and Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Oscillations and Precessions, Dynamics and Interactions in an Ultracold World
4:00PM, Thu Nov 11 2010, 250 Math, University at Buffalo
Alberto Apostolico (Georgia Institute of Technology and Universita di Padova)
Computing Surprise
4:00PM, Fri Nov 12 2010, Math 250, University at Buffalo
Analysis Seminar
Piotr Nowak (Texas A&M)
Exact Groups and Bounded Cohomology
4:00PM, Wed Nov 17 2010, Math 250, University at Buffalo
Applied Math Seminar
Nate Barlow (UB)
The impulse response of a liquid sheet: An example of long-time algebraic growth
4:00PM, Tue Nov 30 2010, 250 Math, University at Buffalo
Analysis Seminar
Keiko Dow (Canisius)
Extreme Points of Integral Families of Analytic Functions
4:00PM, Wed Dec 1 2010, Math 250, University at Buffalo
Analysis Seminar
Xiaoqing Li (UB)
Canceled - to be rescheduled Spring semester.
4:00PM, Wed Dec 8 2010, 250 Mathematics Bldg, University at Buffalo
Don Schack has passed away
It is with great sadness that we report that Samuel D. Schack (Don) passed away at his home this morning, Tuesday, February 9th, 2010 after a brief illness. Those wishing to send condolences to Don’s sister and her family, may do so by way of the Mathematics Department here at UB (244 Math Bldg, Buffalo, NY 14260)
Undergraduates Present Results at Rochester Conference
UB and BSC undergraduate students in the URGE to Compute program present results at New York Conference on Applied Mathematics, RIT, October 17, 2009
URGE students travel to Penn State to present research results
Thirteen members of the URGE to Compute 2009 cohort traveled to Pennsylvania State University on Nov 20 to give presentations of results of their research at the Conference on Undergraduate Research in Mathematics held there every other year. They were accompanied by UB Math Department professors John Ringland and Gino Biondini, and Buffalo State Math professor Saziye Bayram.
URGE to Compute Program for Undergraduate Research
URGE to Compute provides apprenticeships worth $10,000 to each of 12 students annually to conduct research of a computational nature in mathematics and the mathematical sciences. URGE stands for Undergraduate Research Group Experiences, and it is the implementation in Buffalo of the National Science Foundation's CSUMS program. It is a collaboration of the UB and Buffalo State Mathematics Departments, the UB Physics Department, the UB Center for Computational Research, and the Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute. Students accepted to the program will conduct a year-long program of research, closely mentored by faculty, and engage in many activities that support the research and their intellectual and personal development.
Please visit the URGE to Compute website for more information.
UB Team Wins Grueling 96-Hour International Math Contest
Undergraduates Tracy Stepien and Amy Evans were one of 1,162 teams to enter the 96-hour 2008 Mathematical Contest in Modeling. They were awarded Outstanding Winner designation as well as the Ben Fusaro Award and the SIAM Prize. Supervised by Professor Ringland, Evans and Stepien were one of two teams from UB to enter the competition. See the full story in the UB press release.